The 3rd Manchester Anarchist Bookfair
Saturday 7th June, 2008
11 am to 5pm
Upstairs at Jabez Clegg, 2 Portsmouth Street, M13 9GB
The 3rd Manchester Anarchist Bookfair
Saturday 7th June, 2008
11 am to 5pm
Upstairs at Jabez Clegg, 2 Portsmouth Street, M13 9GB

We are proud to announce the return of the Manchester Anarchist Bookfair. After the disastrous fire and flood at the Basement in Newton Street last year, it looked like the Bookfair had become a thing of the past. Since January a group of determined anarchists have been planning its return, but bigger and better than before.
We have been able to book the entire upstairs at Jabez Clegg for the 7th June. This means that for the first time we have room for stalls and a separate room for meetings.
The Bookfair is the main opportunity of the year for anarchists in the north west to meet together, to network, plan and of course to buy and sell books, magazines and pamphlets. In addition to the 20 or so stalls, we also have a programme of meetings, food in the form of vegan fish and chips (yes, honestly) and music.
Stalls will be provided by: Active Distribution, AK Press and Distribution, Anarchist Federation, Basement Bookshop, Cattle Prod, Class War, Corporate Watch, Escapade, Hands off the People of Iraq, Industrial Workers of the World, Manchester Animal Protection, Manchester Climate Action/ Climate Camp, Manchester Film Co-Operative, Natterjack Press, No2ID, Northern Anarchist Network, Northern Herald Books, Northern Voices, Shift Magazine, Solidarity Federation, Under the Pavement, Workers Solidarity Movement, and more.
We will be holding a series of sessions and talks at the Bookfair.
11.30am: Independent media
12.30pm: This is Anarchism
"Everything you ever wanted to know about anarchism, but were afraid to ask..."
Members of four different anarchist groups: Anarchist Federation, Class War, Solidarity Federation and Ireland's Workers Solidarity Movement (WSM) talk about their organisations and offer their definition of anarchism.
This will be followed by a Question and Answer session.
1.30pm: Music from Daniel Orlick
As a break from talks a live acoustic set from radical singer/ songwriter Daniel Orlick
2.30pm: Anarchism in Aotearoa
An anarchist from New Zealand will be talking about anarchist politics, about Maori struggles and the recent state repression..
3.30pm: Anarchism and Economics