Diggers and chainsaws are in operation on an unexcavated medieval souterrain at Lismullen Woods near the Lismullin Henge, close to the Hill of Tara, in Ireland. This is one of a possible six underground stone structures within 150 metres of the Lismullen Henge, which was handed over to the contractors, SIAC / Ferrovial, in late 2007.
More protestors, archaeologists, and the media are needed on site.

Details of what can be found at the Lismullen Henge can be seen at:

The Save Tara Campaign have confirmed this initial report in their Press Release on 22nd. February 2008. The crucial points are: that a slip road will pass within 7 metres of a souterrain at Lismullin . Protesters stopped construction work and tree felling at the site of the souterrain on the 22nd February. The structure has not been excavated as it was not one of the sites initially listed as being impacted by the motorway route.

Support the Rath Lugh Direct Action Camp, situated two and a half kilometres from the Hill of Tara, on the Front Line of the proposed M3 between Lismullen and Baronstown.
“Rath Lugh Direct Action Camp welcomes all friends of Tara. We need people urgently to halt the Valley's destruction. Everyone has a skill or talent they can lend to this protest. Bring wellies, raingear, sleeping bags, torch, lighter, plenty of warm clothing, and good spirits. The protest is only going to get stronger, we will continue to oppose the motorway until it is moved, so come to Rath Lugh as quickly as you can. WE NEED YOU ALL NOW BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE.
Tara is calling, don't ignore the call.”
The Camp is situated two and a half kilometres from the Hill of Tara, on the Front Line of the proposed M3 between Lismullen and Baronstown. Contact the Camp at: 086 1537 146. Camp website:

E-mail the Minister for the Environment (John Gormley, Green Party), and tell him to halt the carbon-emitting M3 Motorway:

ph. No. +353 888 2403
E-mail the Minister for Transport and tell him to stop the M3 Motorway (current cost: €850 million), and to divert funds from Ireland's huge roads programme, €1.68 billion for Ireland's National Roads Programme in 2008, an average investment of € 140 million a month (source: NRA website,

E-mail the National Roads Authority (NRA), who are implementing the Government roads programme, and tell them your opinion of the M3 Motorway:

E-mail the M3 Motorway Building Contractor SIAC and tell them of your opinion regarding their involvement in the M3 Project. SIAC have a 5% stake in the M3 Project and are also involved in the construction of the Shell onshore gas pipeline in Corrib, Co. Mayo:

With Thanks to:

23rd February 2008 Tara Foundation


Watch our short film about the importance of the Lismullen Henge: