Lismullen. Protestors at Lismullen state that Diggers are trying to
cross the protected area of the National Monument. More machinery is
arriving and protesters are attempting a blockade. The protesters say
that SIAC / Ferrovial employees are attempting to bury the Lismullen
National Monument with earth, in the face of the High Court / EU Court
of Justice cases concerning Lismullen:

Protesters at Lismullen are saying that SIAC / Ferrovial employees are attempting to bury the Lismullen National Monument with earth, in the face of the High Court / EU Court of Justice cases:

The Tara Foundation are very concerned that moves could be being made
to demolish the Lismullen Henge in advance of High Court Proceedings
initiated on the 5th February 2008 aginst the Irish Government over
its failure to comply with EU law and an imminent EU Court of Justice
decision in relation to the
Lismullen Henge. Attempts to contact the relevant State bodies, the
NRA, the Departments of the Environment and Transport, Meath County
Council, and the contractor, SIAC, have so far met with no response.
The Rath Lugh Protest Camp needs support: The Rath Lugh Direct Action Camp is situated two and a half kilometres from the Hill of Tara, on the Front Line of the proposed M3 between Lismullen and Baronstown.
Rath Lugh is the outer base camp for the Hill of Tara, enabling activists to keep a permanent vigil on the movement of vehicles and personnel working on various construction sites throughout the valley. Activists also maintain a constant presence on the Rath Lugh National Monument, which is currently under a temporary preservation order. The aim is to see this significant monument permanently preserved in-line with the rest of the Tara Complex.
Groups are raising awareness of the Quarry Protests in Kildare and Meath, Pylon Protest, Hill of Allen (Roadstone are mining the hill and the Fianna training grounds), Shell to Sea, Rockall, Dunquinn and various anti incinerator groups. All have the common goal of halting the destruction of Ireland's heritage, environment and natural resources. Rath Lugh Direct Action Camp welcomes all friends of Tara.
“We need people urgently to halt the Valley's destruction. Everyone has a skill or talent they can lend to this protest. Bring wellies, raingear, sleeping bags, torch, lighter, plenty of warm clothing, and good spirits. The protest is only going to get stronger, we will continue to oppose the motorway until it is moved, so come to Rath Lugh as quickly as you can. WE NEED YOU ALL NOW BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE. Tara is calling, don't ignore the call.”
(From the Statement from Tara activists at the Rath Lugh Camp):
Rath Lugh Camp Number: +353 86 1537 146
With Thanks to Tara Pixie

Position Paper - 15th February 2008: Digging Machinery operating at
the Lismullen Henge
The Tara Foundation - 2008

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