Audencia Nacional, Madrid. On Friday 25th of January, a case will be
presented in the Spanish national court against the Mexican government for
the events in San Salvador Atenco (Mexico), in May 2006. One of the
Spanish citizens deported during the Atenco events will press charges
against the Mexican government, making use of internacional jurisprudence.
More than 200 people were arrested on the 3rd and 4th of May 2006 in the
municipalities of Texcoco and San Salvador Atenco, in the state of Mexico,
as a result of police operations in response to demonstrations following
the eviction of flower sellers from a market. As a result of this police
intervention in which 3000 police took part, two people died: Javier
Cortes, aged 14, from a gunshot wound, of the type used exclusively by the
armed forces; and Alexis Benhumea who was denied crucial medical atention
after he was hit in the head by a tear gas canister.
In Atenco there were illegal arrests and illegal house searches. The
police exercised cruel and degrading treatment, psychological and physical
torture, including the sexual torture and rape of most of the women. 5
foreigners were irregularly deported.
Today, those who committed these acts continue with impunity, whilst of
those who were arrested during those days, 26 remain in prison, of which 3
women are in a maximum security prison with a sentence of 67 years and
more than 200 judicial cases remain open plagued by anomalies and a lack
of the minimum judicial guarantee.
During all this time we have been working on the diffusion of these facts
and for more than a year the Women's Link Worldwide team has been building
a judicial case. In the last year we have formed a group called Atenco
Somos Todos (we are all Atenco) with the desire that this case might reach
further than just the judicial, being a collective, social and political
denouncement of the repression of social movements and struggles. However
we believe it is important to be there on this day to express what we
want, so that this subject might be seen in the minds and hearts of the
people and to reaffirm that they will not shut us up. We feel this is a
part of a long term process of reflexion and action that we want to build
with others, supporting each other and reinforcing our existing social
movement networks.
We write to you with these intentions:
- to invite you to the demonstration that will take place on Friday the
25th of January at 12 o'clock outside the Audencia Nacional, (calle Garcia
Gutierrez 1, corner Genova, Madrid);
- to support the presentation of this case;
We understand thats is complicated to get everyone to come here and that
its not the only way to make this case visible, so perhaps you would
prefer to prepare something for this day in your respective places...
But if you decide to come to the demo, try to dress in black, to try to
have a more symbolic effect.
Atenco Somos Todos (We are all Atenco)
we have prepared a dossier with information about the case and its
context. if you would like some, write to this address and we will send
you some.
Contact: 0034 652723867