the Collaborationist Trade-union ‘Leaders” Cynically Manoeuvre to Abort the Struggle.
Today is not yet the return of the proletarian revolution (1), but only the beginning of the real class struggle against the capitalists and their State.
But faced with the more hypocritical sabotage today of the other trade-union leaderships, the vote for the continuation of the strike is not enough any more. Without independent organization in elected strike committees, without their coordination and the establishment of a central strike committee entrusted to conduct the struggle on the basis of authentic proletarian demands (and not just a little sugar to aid in swallowing the bitter pill of capitulation), the workers will be disarmed and impotent faced with the manoeuvres of the collaborationist trade-union apparatuses (to say nothing of their reformist political accomplices of the left or "extreme left").
The first examples of the formation of strike committees at the RATP (Paris public transport) and at the SNCF (French national Railways) show that the workers can really take their fight in hand. The so-called "sabotage" actions of this night which are undoubtedly a response to the anti-strike speech of Sarkozy and the opening of the negotiations/capitulations of today, are a sign of the determination of certain strikers. One should not condemn these actions braying in unison with the government, the ‘management’ and the trade unions, but use this determination to maintain and extend the strike, including calling out other sectors of workers and young people: effective strike pickets, massive delegations sent to nearby companies, etc.
The struggle of the transport workers and others is not a fight to maintain "privileges": the privileged people, are the capitalists with Sarkozy as their “man of straw”; the strikers combat must be supported by all the workers because it is the avant-garde of the struggle against the intensification of the anti-proletarian attacks decided on by the capitalists and their government. The hundreds of thousands of strikers and demonstrators of Tuesday have understood this: against the generalization of the attacks, it is necessary to answer back by the generalization of the struggle!
For the Independent Organization of the Workers and the Break With Political and Trade-union Collaborationism!
For the Return of the Anti-Capitalist Class Struggle!
(1) Title of a report on the events in France by Russian NTV television Tuesday: "In France, return of the proletarian revolution". One can read in the script of the report: "the observers seriously fear that the importance of the movements occurring in France could completely paralyse the country which already for a week has been strangled by ceaseless strikes (.) the fight for the social benefits in France already points to the proletarian revolution. At the time (of the Russian Revolution) the Bolsheviks called for the seizure of the post office, telegraph and railway stations; today the French paralyse the operation of these key objectives".

International Communist Party, 21/11/2007
Editions. Programme, 3 rue Basse Combalot, 69007 Lyon (France)