space along Otterspool Promenade. This is part of the tree lined grass
embankment that runs along the coast from the Britannia Inn for about 1/2
mile between the Garden Festival site and the Promenade walkway. The
Executive Board meet at Millennium House at 9am next Friday 28th September
to approve the disposal and to include the land in the lease agreement with
Langtree McLean for their Festival Gardens development.
Please object by writing to

Municipal Buildings, Dale Street, Liverpool L2 2DH.
Public Inquiry for Festival Gardens scheme - 30 October
The enquiry will start on 30 October at 10am in the Sefton Room of the
Adelphi Hotel in central Liverpool - it is expected to last 12 days.
Show your support for the Campaign
If you wish to support or join the campaign please email your full name to

If you know anyone else who wants to join please ask them to drop us a line.
With an inquiry coming up we need to show how much support we have.
Please reply to:

for more details about the public enquiry & Festival Gardens development

Save the Festival Gardens web site:

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