Since the announcement of Chris Jackson's leadership challenge, those emails have stepped up dramatically, with those who oppose Nick Griffin and his pathological lust for money providing us with a pile of information on dodgy-dealings, mismanagement and sexual shenanigans that we could never hope to prove and that would find us in court for libel within minutes. But if we move the money stuff to one side for a moment (though not entirely because wherever there is Griffin, there is always money) there is another theme that emerges and is emerging more each day, presumably as rumour and conjecture spreads itself rapidly through the BNP's ranks - Croatia.
Croatia-related rumours have been buzzing around the BNP like recalcitrant flies for quite a while now, each one providing us and our anti-fascist colleagues with a little more information and a yearning for a lot more. In fact, recent emails have given so much information (thank you to the senders) that we're able to extrapolate a good deal more for ourselves. So here's the Croatia stuff. Bear in mind that much of this is rumour, hint, suggestion and conjecture - though many of our readers, particularly those who are in the British National Party itself, will recognise the truth contained in the article and we would hope that they would have the good sense to demand some answers from the party's clearly corrupt leadership.
From what we can gather, there are four investment partners involved in the Croatia deal - Griffin himself, Simon Darby, Andrew McKillop and a fourth who hasn't yet been identified but certainly will be soon. All we know about him at the moment is that he's young and had (past tense) a substantial amount of money (from a death in his family) that Griffin got to hear about.
Griffin we already know but for the benefit of those who have never heard of the other two, Darby is an ex-member of the National Democrats/National Front who attended an American Friends of the BNP meeting in the States wearing a National Alliance T-shirt (the anti-semitic and white supremacist National Alliance is America's most hardline nazi group: founded by William Pierce, author of The Turner Diaries, the book that inspired Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh and London nail bomber David Copeland). Darby continues to be one of the leading figures within the BNP, to the extent that Griffin designated him as stand-in leader were he to be imprisoned during his 2005/6 trials.
Andrew McKillop is a writer and consultant on oil and energy economics and is the co-editor of The Fuel Energy Crisis (Pluto Press, 2006), which explores the crisis in fossil fuels. He has also written about the 'Peak Oil' crisis and lives in France. McKillop, we are reliably informed by Searchlight is a member of the BNP's 'inner-circle' and is Griffin's 'Peak Oil' inspiration.
And here's the crunch. Griffin and Co are said have purchased a chunk of land over in Croatia, down South and close to the border, roughly thirty kilometres from Knin. The area of the land is approximately 26 hectares (around 65 acres) and at the moment has a couple of derelict buildings on it, probably old barns or other farm buildings. The cost of the land was about £30,000. There are plans afoot apparently though, if that is indeed the case, Griffin and his little consortium don't seem in any mad dash to get on with it - as far as we can ascertain no-one has been back to the site since March.
Whether they are acted upon or not, the plans seem to be to move a few of the BNP's operations over to Croatia - ones we've heard repeatedly include a CD/DVD-pressing facility, recording studio and Freedom newspaper - plus the long-awaited BNP radio station seems to be on the cards again if the investment cash becomes available. There is a further and much more elaborate plan to create a bizarre eco-friendly holiday camp (our information indicates that McKillop is to design eco-friendly cabins) powered by solar panels and wind turbines, and to grow organic veg, keep goats and cattle for the milk, free-range chickens for their eggs and so on. A tributary to the River Krka runs through the land so fresh water is abundant. Pretty much what most of us would like to do really, except for the BNP being involved.
The idea - at least as presented to the outside world - seems innocent enough. It's a plan for a nationalist holiday camp - all spot-on as far as energy consumption goes but like a giant perpetual Red, White and Blue Festival only made available to nationalists from all over Europe. In fact our understanding is that the Front National was going to fund the whole project but with Le Pen facing a leadership challenge and the modernisers, who have no high regard for Griffin or the BNP, moving in to change the party, this idea fell flat along with the attempts to get funding from other groups like Belgium's fascist Vlaams Bok...
Much more here:

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