With latest films and pics and power point about shut down of G8 last month.Presentation with discussion and reflection about where we go from here. Also relevant for UK folks prepping for Climate Camp or No Border Camp.
See these web-site for more info:
1 in 12 Club:

Flyer for Manchester gig last week, with pics:

Lancaster IMC flyer:

Germany Dissent!: dissentnetworkorg
from Lancaster flyer:
Sunday 8th July, at 7.30pm. Upstairs at the Gregson we will be treated to showings of films recorded by activists during the protests and actions against the G8 Summit at Heiligendam, along with pictures and some analysis, presented by an activist living in Berlin who has links with groups organising for the German protests since before the 2005 Gleneagles Summit. Info-tours travelled across the German-speaking world to mobilise and inspire people to come to Scotland, resulting a good presence at the Gleaneagles protests, and since 2005 similar events have continued to mobilise for Heligendam and beyond. The evening will conclude with a discussion possibly including:
feedback from Lancastrian residents who took part in the german protests,
comparisons with the Scottish counter-summit organisation,
evaluating strategies, tactics and 'success',
thinking forward to Japan 2008 and particularly Italy 2009 (the 10th anniversary of Genoa and Carlo Giuliani's death during the protests there)
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