Rossport, Co Mayo in their fight against Shell Oil.
We agreed that the date for action would be 26th Oct -
that's next Thursday. We then discussed the where's
and when's. There didn't seem to be enough of us
present (7 of us) to organise a mass picket of the
local oil distribution centre! However, it turns out
that Shell sponsor a couple of scholarships etc at
Manchester University. They are major sponsors of
Manchester Business School. This is on the main road,
so would be a high profile picket. So we decided:
1. to produce a leaflet about Shell and Rossport. To
include on it details of the meeting on Nov 2nd. To
also include contact details so interested parties can
contact university authorities, demanding they get rid
of Shell. We'll do 500 of these, A5.
2. to see if we can afford a banner. If we can, to
get it made - Shell to Hell.
3. to invite others to attend - eg the students we
met at the Freshers Fair, Solfed members at the uni,
the Green party, Greenpeace, the Students union, the
Climate Camp people.
4. to produce press releases for TV and papers.
5. to publicise before and after on Indymedia manc.
To send report to Indymedia Ireland.
6. We are meeting for the demo on the 26th at 11.30
outside Manchester Business School. We plan to stay
till around 2. The address is Booth St West, M15 6PB
which is off Oxford Road.
So we look forward to seeing loads of people there! Especially all you groovy university types.