Announcing the decision, Fire Brigades' Union spokesman Kevin Brown said: "A total of 71% of the 890 members who returned their ballot papers voted for strike action so we have decided on a four-day walk out at the end of August."
Members of the FBU are set to walk out on Thursday 31 August, returning on 4 September. However, former firefighters are being retrained so they can provide contingency cover over the four days.
In line with last week's statement by the representatives of the three main political parties, Merseyside Fire and Rescue have condemned the FBU's "irresponsible decision to use public safety as a bartering tool".
But as usual, the bosses are trying to confuse the issue, weaken solidarity and turn public opinion against strikers. The very thing that firefighters are after is public safety, and this is why they have been forced into strike action! They want to stop cuts which will greatly endanger public safety in the long term!
There will be no army cover, since the Territorial Army is on standby for callout to Afghanistan, where regular army are protecting an oil pipeline for George Bush and his business buddies.
The mainstream media are therefore bound to go for the throats of Merseyside FBU. But it is important to remember three things. First, they are trying to make sure there will be at least as many fire engines and firefighters in the future. Second, there will only be no cover because the Territorial Army is standing by to go into Afghanistan. Third, part of the reason the government makes these cuts is that they are spending so much on war!
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Firemen at it again....
22.08.2006 17:23
2) 45 % of all emergency call outs for the fire service are either non-urgent (non-life threatening) or hoax
3) I find it incredible that the FBU and firemen have the tenacity to demand increases in pay for their services when 90% of their time is spent on call. When a strike happens the TA and retained FF are able to cover for full time FF's with no significant impact on most services. Figure that one out!
4) Consider the workload that both the Police and Ambulance Paramedics or A&E staff encounter (much tougher jobs for significantly less pay)
I think that FF's do a teriffic job under difficult and occasionally dangerous situations. I also understand that they are a re-active service (as oposed to the Police who are pro-active, or at least supposed to be) and hence have significant levels of 'down-time'. It seems to me that by constantly niggling over pay and striking, they are further weakening publice support, crucial to securing
Any thoughts....
just fires?
23.08.2006 23:43
24.08.2006 13:51
I am in agreement with you on the rate of pay for Paramedics/Ambulance staff A&E nurses. The pay is appaling.