The camp itself will be a mix of workshops, meetings, socialising, information sharing and action. It will bring together thousands of people from the UK who want to act to stop climate change before it's too late. It will be a place that encourages discussion on what we are faced with, what the alternatives are, how we can achieve them and the diversity of tactics and action we will need to get there. The camp will also facilitate direct action against some of key sections of the fossil fuel economy.
We need:
Wellbeing volunteers (helping and looking after people plus alternative therapies)
Legal observers
Tranquility team members (internal conflict resolution, training available)
Legal people
These are needed during the camp.
Contact We also need:
People good with their hands
Compost toilet diggers/builders
These are needed a few days before to help set up, during and for take down.
Contact If you can only come for part of the camp that's still great.
Thanks x