staff not to think about transferring any more staff or services to troubled joint venture agencies Liverpool Direct (a partnership with BT) or Enterprise Liverpool (the former direct works department) while a review by "a specialist audit team" from KPMG takes place.
And the rot goes deeper. Mr Hilton has suddenly become aware of
"concerns about the procurement and management of contracts by the
Council" and two more (unspecified) contract areas that need looking at.
Bloody hell! The photocopier boy could have told him that, the Council is riddled with cosy deals and padded invoices. We hear that David McIlhenny, the Executive Director for Resources is being sent to Enterprise Liverpool as its new chief executive. So you don´t think senior managers in the Council are any good, you hand over millions of pounds and hundreds of staff to the private sector and when they screw up, send in senior managers from the Council to sort out the mess! Easy, when its not you paying, Mr Hilton.