Thursday 6th October 7.15pm - T&GWU Sefton Street Liverpool L8 map:
The speakers will be: a T&GWU shop steward from Gate Gourmet, John Hardy QC., and Tony McQuade T&G District Organiser
The workers are facing extreme hardship and need financial support as well as support for the sacked workers. Please make cheques payable to MTUC and send to 4 St. Anne Stree Birkenhead Wirral CH41 3JU
This dispute illustrates perfectly the inadequacies of the employment laws in Britain when companies can plan and carry out mass sackings, but when members of the same trade union in the same industry take part in supportive action, they are deemed to be breaking the law. The Labour Party Conference last week resoundingly supported a TGWU motion endorsing the rights of workers to limited solidarity action as well as protecting striking workers from dismissal.
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05.10.2005 17:30