It will take place over three evenings:
Monday 31st Jan: 6pm, Training Room, top floor of the Guild of Students
Tuesday 1st Feb: same time, same place
Wednesday 2nd Feb: same place, but 7pm!
Gabriele will give a short introduction to each part shown, and it will be followed by a discussion/Q&A session.
Voluntary donations towards travelling costs would be appreciated!
All are very warmly welcomed
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27.01.2005 18:39
FAW activist
outside the university
28.01.2005 00:00
e goldstein
'Left Wing' Activity
28.01.2005 05:17
Most 'Left Wing' activity is as elitist and as kept from the masses, as is much of establishment politics and society. I watched Michael Moore's 'Fahrenheit 9/11' last night, and though shocked and angered by much of it, a lot of leftie rhetoric is already known by the majority of those people left out of the wealth, and even decent jobs, in Britain and America and elsewhere. It is always trumpeted as 'a revelation' by well meaning middle class people, but if you wanted to hear vindictive genuine leftie rhetoric, you would only need to go into any ghetto, poor area, council estate full of employed people with high crime rates, and so on, to hear the voice of the dispossessed. Sadly even attacks on the establishment can just become just another way to make money and forge lucrative careers.
I bring myself to this recent 'Make Poverty History' that is doing the rounds in Britain and part of the world at the moment. No doubt all the polite and posh, the middle class vicars and et al are all talking earnestly about tackling poverty in the world, but none of the well-off and moneyed are prepared to really discuss why poverty really is such an issue, and certainly none of them will talk about poverty in the West. Why in a wealthy country like Britain are there huge pockets of poverty? Why are middle class salaries often 2,3 4 and sometimes even 5 or more times higher than a working class salary? (which by British standards is between about £9000 a year to the top which is about £14-15000 a year, if you are lucky) The poverty in Britain is compounded by greed and selfishness; if the middle classes, i.e. basically those who earn inflation-busting salaries really want to end poverty, they could start by giving away about %20-25 of their annual salary to those who genuinely needed it, and by campaigning for a fair minimum wage in Britain. And those middle class people who get paid large salaries in huge corporations could campaign for higher taxes for those who are well-off and lower taxes for those who are poor or on low wages. Do you think they will? Will pigs fly? Highly unlikely! Middle Class concern is a vicious circle of guilt/animosity/guilt and has little genuine concern for challenging poverty here or anywhere else.
When those who campaign tirelessly campaign for a decent minimum wage, I will march with them. If its simply about salving guilty consciences, well I have no interest in this.
One who Knows...?
28.01.2005 11:10
unis provide a free venue to student unions and a ready audience so it's obvious why somebody would opt for using a uni venue.
good luck to em.
i know that when indy cinema in london tried screening just one part of this seven hour docu, they got just one person turning up for the film - kinda embarrassing when two of the film makers had come to present it.
answer to diy
28.01.2005 19:28
guess what, this is DIY culture (aparently) so why not screen the film yourself in whatever venue you deem to be more approbriate (and can get acess to) rather than critise somebody elses efforts?
point taken, but you have to understnd that although the university is in theory accessible because anyone can walk in, in practice it is just going to be a student audience isn't it?. Thats ok if thats what you want, but if you really want more people to see it it takes more effort. Intended as constructive criticism.
e goldstein
29.01.2005 10:06
Get a venue, get in touch with the filmmakers, put on a screening.
There is nothing elitist here, this really pisses me off when you say this.
the reason why it isnt on at your local council estate multiplex is because it is owned by rupert murdoch, who is best buddies with bush, and who wants to make more money, and keep the majority unaware of what is going on. filmmakers like xxi century are 'trying' to get out an alternative message, they are trying to reach as many people as possible, PLEASE HELP them, get involved.
this is your world (council estate) too!