Venezuelan March for Sovereignty: Caracas January 23 2005
"En Defensa de la Soberanía"

On January 23 rd, 1958, the Venezuelan People all around their country went into the streets to demonstrate against the Dictatorship of Marco Pérez Jiménez.The entire nation recognizes this date as a symbol of unity. The images in this photo essay represent a march of the supporters of democratically elected President Hugo Chavez’s administration, on January 23rd 2005, demonstrating victory against the MPJ dictatorship while emphasizing Venezuela’s sovereignty against any international power. The supporters of Chavez argue that the U.S.A. planned and implemented a campaign to discredit Chavez by inciting a crisis between Venezuela and Columbia originating with the capture of the guerrillero Rodrigo Granda.
The U.S. campaign against Chavez costs millions of dollars for U.S. taxpayers. The U.S. Government’s objective seeks to isolate the Venezuelan administration and to derail current South American efforts underway for integrating economically and politically. The demonstration depicted in this photo essay draws on the January 23rd 1959 remembrance in order to reject the “irreverence of the U.S." attempting to squash Venezuelan sovereignty as well as the prepotencies of the Columbian oligarchy that violated Venezuelan territory, sovereignty and independence.
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