30th January 2005
In the memory of Margaret Hassan and of all the children of Iraq, the Iraq Solidarity Campaign (UK) is proud to announce that January the 30th 2005 will be the first Margaret Hassan Memorial Day.
Details of Events:
Wednesday January 26th
"The Lost Generation - Saving the Children of Iraq!"
Felicity Arbuthnot will talk on the work and life of her close friend Margaret Hassan, whilst living in Iraq under the Sanctions.
Venue: The Friends Meeting House, Mount Street, Manchester City Centre.
Time 7-30pm. (Contact details below)
Thursday 27th January
Merseyside meeting with Felicity Arbuthnot,
Time and venue to be confirmed.
Sunday 30th January 2005.
Memorial Day Candle Light Vigil
This vigil will be held for the 1.5 million Iraqi children who died as a consequence of the UN imposed Sanctions and for the current conflict - between the years of 1991 to the present day and to Margaret Hassan who fought to save their lives.
Time: 5-30pm. The Peace Gardens, Albert Square, Manchester (Behind the Manchester Town Hall).
For further information or to get involved please contact the Iraq Solidarity Campaign on 0161 882 0188 / 07946 783 801 e-mail: