by Larry S. Rolirad
What would you do in a crisis situation?
What if you were aboard a plane that crashed on takeoff? Would you just sit in your seat reading a children's book while the plane was burning and people needed help?
What if you were in your living room watching cartoons with your young children and a neighbor came to your door yelling your older child is drowning in your backyard pool? Would you just sit there with your young children for seven minutes so you wouldn't scare them and allow your other child to drown?
What if you were a fireman playing cards at the fire station and you heard the fire alarm go off? Would you continue playing cards for another seven minutes or would you react to the alarm and go do what you were trained to do?
Imagine yourself as a platoon leader in a combat zone with enemy soldiers starting to advance on your position. Would you just sit in your foxhole reading letters from home and ignoring all of the men in your platoon while the enemy overtook you?
And finally, what if you were the president of the United States sitting in a classroom full of young kids looking at a children's color book and were told a second plane had crashed into the second World Trade Center building in New York? Remember, that you were already told that there had already been an aircraft that crashed into the first WTC building. Would you just sit on your stool looking dumbfounded and glance at a child's book for seven long minutes? This really happened and is well documented in Michael Moore's film, Fahrenheit 9/11.
And remember, Bush didn't know if there were two, four, ten, fifty or a hundred hijacked planes being flown by terrorists to their targets. And by remaining in that classroom, Bush was putting everyone in the school in grave danger. Terrorists could have been flying a commercial airliner or driving a Ryder truck full of explosives to blow up the school. And the secret service would not have been able to stop a plane traveling at 600 miles per hour or a truck driving at 70 miles per hour. By remaining in that classroom, Bush put the students, teachers, and parents in great danger.
Bush's sitting on a stool in a Florida classroom doing nothing for seven minutes during a national crisis was the most damning indictment against him for his complete lack of competence as president of the United States, or any position of leadership. Even after Andrew Card walked into the classroom and told Bush that a second aircraft had hit the second WTC building, Bush did absolutely nothing for seven long, excruciating minutes. It is obvious that Bush has to have someone to tell him what to do and what to say. He is obviously just a puppet with his strings being pulled by those who bought his political offices for him. In a rare unfiltered situation, Bush certainly demonstrated that he was definitely no leader. Bush certainly took no initiative. He certainly did not act as a president, or as any real leader, should.
Like Bush, the ancient Roman emperor Nero is also said to have been indifferent to catastrophe. While Rome burned, Nero played a violin while watching the flames. Like Bush, Nero took no action to stop Rome from being destroyed. Bush certainly walks in the same footsteps of the very cruel emperor Nero, who was so cruel he had his wife and mother killed. Nero also kicked his mistress to death while she was pregnant.
Bush is obviously unfit for the office he holds. He has never exhibited any leadership capabilities at any time during his entire life and I challenge any reader to cite even one instance in Bush's life where he has demonstrated any leadership abilities. There can be no excuses for Bush's complete lack of action during the biggest attack against the United States since Pearl Harbor. It is time for George W. Bush to resign from the presidency. He is a national embarrassment.
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Innocent party?
18.09.2004 10:04
Bush's Reaction
19.09.2004 23:54
Perhaps in the shock of the moment Bush was unsure what to do and figured that perhaps just remaining calm and showing some sort of resolve to finish what he was doing on public TV is what his people would want to see.
Perhaps history will remember Bush as the man who in the face of great peril remaind cool, finished his school visit and then went about saving the world.
Hopefully however history will remember him as being the guy that reshaped global politics in such a devastating way that his people had to eject him from office by an overwhelming majoirty four years after his election.
- like I said - I prefer to think happy thoughts.
Clive McThomas
Annaie, I believe you are right...
21.09.2004 18:59
Annaie, when I wrote my article about Bush's actions, or rather non-actions on the morning of September 11, 2001, I did think about the possiblity of Bush knowing exactly what was going on. After all, Bush was warned in January and August 2001 about terrorists using planes as weapons. And when you add to that the fact that Bush and the Saudi Royals have been in business together for the last thirty years it makes one wonder, espeically since fifteen of the nineteen 9/11 terrorists came from Saudi Arabia. Even Osama bin Laden was a Saudi. Could there have been a collusionary relationship between the Saudis and Bush? Yes. For the past thirty years the Saudis have been giving the Bush clan and their friends 48 million dollars a year. That adds up to a whopping 1.4 billion dollars. It makes one wonder where a person's allegiance might be if he is receiving that much money from a foreign source. Why would the oil rich Saudi Royals bail out Bush's businesses which only produced dry holes? They did it for access to GW Bush's father who was either the vice president or president for twelve years.
Another justification for Bush knowing what was going to happen was rooted in his poll numbers. His favorable ratings had steadily plummeted from the mid eighties in January, 2001, to a paltry 45 percent in August, 2001. And then immediately after the 9/11 terrorist attacks Bush's popularity zoomed up to 90 percent. If not for the terrorist attacks Bush's polls would have been in the thirties or lower and he wouldn't have a chance of winning in November. Check out the following site for the frequency of terrorist alerts compared to Bush's polls. As his poll numbers decrease, terror alerts increase. This looks very fishy. It makes one wonder if the republican party is deliberately issuing terror alerts to manipulate the people into supporting Bush.
Bush even joked about the terrorist attacks;
"The recession -- no question, I remember when I was campaigning, I said, would you ever deficit spend? And I said, yes, only if there were a time of war, or recession, or a national emergency. Never thought we'd get -- (laughter and applause.) And so we have a temporary deficit in our budget, because we are at war, we're recovering, our economy is recovering, and we've had a national emergency. Never did I dream we'd have the trifecta. (Laughter.) "
--GW Bush, in a speech at Meeting of the Leaders of the Fiscal Responsibility Coalition, 04/02/02
People kill each other routinely kill each other for pocket change. So it is not inconceivable that someone would be a part of a terrorist attack or starting a war for not just pocket change, but for hundreds of billions of dollars.
I am politically independent and I have never witnessed such a corrupt and inept government in my lifetime as the Bush Regime is. I sincerely believe that if Bush is not defeated the US will be in serious trouble.
All the best to you Annaie...
Larry S. Rolirad
22.09.2004 14:34
History tells us that often the greatest empires have the most obscure origins; the mighty Persian empire was in the start a bunch of horseback nomads, Egypt was started by nomadic Semitic shepherders (not unlike Israel), and the British Empire, though we are portrayed as tea-sipping, bowler hatted apologetic mild mannered jerks, was probably the greatest protection racket in all history! Before the wealth poured into Britain, Britain was mostly a backward, warlike, brutal and hostile nation, blooded and successful in war, and the best and most ruthless pirates in Europe. No one could touch us. Wealth and privilege come, history is rewritten, and we are a civilised nation now, but our origins are hidden from this cosy and comfortable present day. Britain has always been a hard society, a grasping society, a winner take all society, and the societies we created as colonies are in many respects reflections of this. Naked power is all in English-speaking societies, although it is always hidden with a sheen of fairness and common-sense democracy, a democracy that is more and more a sham. What has all this to do with your post?! I will tell you; America has also hidden its roots, covered its tracks too. If you are aware of history, the history of successful, wealthy and powerful nations, you might be aware of the fact that anything is possible, and that power can justify anything. I like to think that terrorist actions are not known before they happen, but whether I am being naive or not, I am not sure.
Crimes Aginst the United States Constitution and Beyond
14.06.2006 11:59
This could also be applied to a number of people in this shyster, corrupt administration and to a large number of Congress people. Who would have ever thought that an entire Congress would turn a blind eye, indeed participate in, such crimes as what we have witnessed over the past 5 years?