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Liverpool Indymedia

ASBO’s are now being used against the working classes!

Mike Lane | 15.06.2004 21:11 | Liverpool

It was only a matter of time before council officers started to abuse the ASBO and harrasment laws to oppress and silence working class tenants.

Here is proof of what I have been saying for the last twelve months. City council officers and adminstrative workers are now using ASBO’s to silence working class tenants. Take a look at this article in the Liverpool Echo. I said this would happen and it is now becoming a reality. How long will it be before they start using this antisocial order to silence community activists and political dissidents? You can bet that the council employees blew this up out of all proportion. It will get to the stage that you will only have to look at these middle class council employee prats the wrong way and they will abuse their power and slap an ASBO on you.

Echo article:  http://icliverpool.icnetwork.co.uk/0100news/0100regionalnews/page.cfm?objectid=14331922&method=full&siteid=50061

Mike Lane
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Hide the following 23 comments

More info?

16.06.2004 10:24

The news item says that two individuals who have been prevented from using threatening and abusive behaviour towards other individuals. Surely those people have a right to do their jobs without the threat of physical violence? I don't understand how restraining these people from harrassing and threatening others is an attack on the working class or in any way a danger to political dissent. Could you explain?


Same old

16.06.2004 15:42

Same old far left. If it is a person they can claim to be working class then they must be the good guys and anyone who works for a council must be the bad guy. As the previous person says, why should the officers have to suffer intimidation/violence?

Without having full knowledge of the case one simply cannot say that ASBOs are being targeted at these people just because of their social standing. Some of my family work in the benefits agency and, given that the VAST majority of people are law abiding and pleasant enough, what to do with the others? They do get harrassed and even attacked. So why should the person's social standing preclude them from facing the full force of the law? (and that goes for all people, not just the Working class) The small percentage who are violent and do intimidate? Of course they should be accountable for their actions. To not do so is likely to turn hard-working, considerate council/govt officers against those who are in most need of help.

Stop with the blind sweeping statements and examine the case(s) on facts.



16.06.2004 17:05

It's obvious that this case is about council workers bullying people who stand up to them so they can carry out persecution unswerved by protest and resistance.
The morons who put up the other 2 comments are fascist idiots who are quite happy to live under the jackboot of state repression - as long as they are "protected" from the "threat" of someone giving them the finger or swearing, they don't mind being subject to the threat of being jailed for something which isn't even a crime, because some Nazi judge decides there should be a law which bans THEM from doing something even if it doesn't ban ANYONE ELSE from doing it to THEM, and which can give people HUGE jail sentences for minor crimes. This is all about the so-called "decent" people, i.e. the sheep, who identify with the state, rallying behind the fascist actions of the state when it uses its vile measures against people it labels as its enemies. So cut the Nazi crap or it'll be YOUR FAULT when we all get gassed in concentration camps.
Here are a few more ASBO and related cases recently:
Derby boy jailed for playing football in a park, Man banned from going into car parks, Man banned from all hospitals in the UK, Teenager banned from his girlfriend's house even with her consent, and from contacting his relatives, Somebody addicted to glue-sniffing, banned from buying glue, Attempts by a council to get people who feed pigeons banned from buying bread, 40-odd people banned from all pubs in Hastings and Worthing,Animal rights activist banned from "harassing" vivisectionists, man banned from drinking alcohol...


its true

16.06.2004 19:22

An example
I was recently stood at a counter waiting for one of the receptionists to see to me.An old man came and stood next to me and the receptionist dealt with him first,because he was an old man I didnt say anything.By then a couple more people were standing behind him and the receptionist was about to see to one of them when I said,excuse me I'm next.Now perhaps I said this in too loud a voice or something or I had a local accent or she just didnot like me,but she said 'there is no need to be aggressive'.I was dressed fairly smart
but they know I am on benefits.
Where this happened is irrelevent.I was not being aggressive or rude merely tring to be seen in turn.But this is an example of the sort of behaviour that is increasingly being labelled aggressive by office staff.


Us working class tenants know what's going on!

17.06.2004 11:35

The first two replies to this posting are the typical rantings of the middle classes and shows how they see things from an obscure perspective. Man these middle Englanders think that their perspective is absolute. They are in effect the only people who can give a correct interpretation of everything. In effect these ASBO and Harassment Laws gag people with the threat of being imprisoned if they say anything. The two working class guys who were in effect humiliated in their own community by having these ASBO’s slapped on them in reality probably did hardly anything to deserve them. If you took the time to go to the working class community were these guys live and spoke to them you would probably find out that what they did did not warrant these idiotic ASBO orders.

I was once taken to court under the harassment laws by a housing association for, what was claimed at the time, speaking aggressively and in an abusive tone to a working class traitor who has joined the ranks of the middle classes housing officer. I was told that if I was found guilty I would have to pay all the court costs, which amounted to over £1,000. As well as the court costs I would also receive a hefty fine. This particular housing association officer had, over many months, built an extensive dossier up on me i.e. dates of all telephone conversations and visits to the office. Whenever I rang the RSL's office this guy and his colleagues went to great lengths to be as nasty as they could with me. Unfortunately for me, I suffer from partial deafness, which causes me to speak loudly; this is because I cannot hear my voice properly in my head. The fact that I speak load was enough for this particular housing officer to assume I was being aggressive and abusive when on the phone. So you see, these middle-class, obscenely over paid, pen pushers can say you are being abusive when you are just speaking loudly.

Any way, to cut a long storey short. This guy came around to serve an eviction order on the guy in the flat bellow me (this eviction order was later rescinded). This was not the first time this creepy guy had been to visit the property were I lived, he had come on many occasions to check the hall way to see if I had left any small items outside my flat i.e. bin bags, my bike and such like, so that he could send me snotty threatening letters telling me to move them. (I received many of these letters and I realise now that it was a ploy to get me to ring this guy up so he could build a dossier up on me). Looking back in retrospect I can see now that the real reason he kept coming around was to cause an altercation with me. (This is a classical example of how service providers can orchestrate an oppressive campaign against a tenant who they want to evict by using the Harassment or ASBO laws agaist him or her). As bad luck would have it and not realising what this creep was up to, I bumped into him in the hall way and he started to threaten me with eviction. He stormed out of the property shouting you have not heard the last of this Mr Lane. Sure enough a couple of weeks later I was summonsed to court. But what this housing officer creep did not know was there were two people in the property who he did not see who heard everything that he said to me, and what they heard was totally different to what he had written in his statement to the CPS. In effect his account of what happened was a load of lies. These two people were quite willing to go to court as witnesses. They also gave me written statements.

Of course this particular officer was well known to certain councillors and their officers within the council and to other housing association officers from larger housing association who hated me because I was involved with other political activists campaigning against the transfer of council housing over to these treacherous oppressive housing associations. So you see these RSL housing officers can and do abuse their civic powers by using their tenants rents to take dissident tenants to court, and what better a way to silence those tenants. Just use the Harassment laws and these so called ASBO’s. The Harassment Laws were upgraded by the then home secretary Jack Straw and made even more draconian. Many of New Labour’s top ministers are barristers and solicitors so they are quite aware of the law and how they can use and abuse the law to serve their own oppressive political aims. Many of the present laws are being twisted and changed to silence working class political community activists like me.

What really got to me about all this bullshit was this housing officer had put together this dossier, which spoke about our telephone conversations only, and as they were not taped it was just his word against mine. Well the Crown Prosecution Services, as they must do by law, sent me the complete dossier that this housing officer had, over many months, meticulously put together. Every phone call and description of the conversation was documented. Of course these descriptions were totally blown up out of all proportion and in such a way as to give the reader the impression that I was being abusive when I wasn’t. In reply to this idiots dossier I simply put together my dossier, because I had all the dates that this housing officer idiot had given to the CPS, and refuted all his allegations.

The end result was no charges were brought against me and the housing association had to pay all the court costs. What we as working class tenants have to realise is that these over paid idiot lying middle class and working class traitor housing officers are, just like their counterparts in the corrupt city council, supposed to be service providers but in reality they are political bodies which are being used by the dominant culture within our society to oppress and subjugate the working classes in their own communities. There is nothing profound in what I am saying Lenin spoke about this in his book the “State and Revolution”. There is nothing unique about the oppressive behaviour of local government and central government civil servants and service providers, many of which are middle class, it was happening in Russia over eighty years ago. Not long after all this bullshit this particular working class traitor-housing officer was promoted. The usual thing that happens when working class traitor brownnoses show their unending loyalty to their middle class superiors..

What us “working class left wingers” need to do is recognise what these middle class working class traitor service providers are up to and devise a methodology to counteract it. Remember the oppressor class, who serve the dictates of the dominant culture and the ruling classes are in a minority, and as such this oppressive minority group has to devise all sorts of unjust laws to oppress and subjugate the working class majority. The good news is that they only get away it for a short period of time before their treacherous behaviour is exposed to the people for what it really is, opprssion.

Mike Lane
mail e-mail: mickjlane@btinternet.com
- Homepage: http://www.whistleblower.nstemp.com

shut the fuck up

17.06.2004 12:14

Mike why don't you use your fuckin head for once mate. You can't have people going around giving people who work for the community shit.

Pickin on female staff, is that what you want Mike. ABO orders, I'd knock shit out of them if it was my mother mate.

Roll on the Asbo's

action man

When in doubt, call them a Nazi

17.06.2004 13:16

The first two commenters were not saying anything abusive or offensive imo.

Then this reply from "Andy":

"The morons who put up the other 2 comments are fascist idiots who are quite happy to live under the jackboot of state repression"

How are they being fascist then? What comments have they said they makes you think that they support facism? Hmm?

TBH I don't want a community full of druken thugs who contribute nothing other than making innocent, ordinary people afraid to walk outside their front doors.

There is a huge difference in intimidating residents and organising a peaceful protest.

But then I am just another "fascist idiot" to you, aren't I?

Tom A

ASBOs have always been anti-working class

17.06.2004 14:03

It seems to me to be self-evident that ASBO's are part and parcel of state repression (along with the cops, courts, prisons etc) which is increasing by the week in the UK at present. Obviously they are anti-working class. This does not mean that people (including working class people) do not engage in anti-social behaviour - clearly they do. But what is the 'social' - the rule of capital, our self-alienation. A working class response would not focus exclusively on the behaviour and control, but for that we need a revolutionary response to the social conditions in which we find ourselves - something lacking at present. In the meantime, all we can do is resist further repressive measures and seek to gat rid of (or at least minimise the impact of) the current measures used by the state.



17.06.2004 15:49

In my opinion I have no doubt that ASBOs are used by the authorities to stifle dissent but I really can't tell much about this specific case from that brief article. Please don't assume that everyone who is middle-class is some kind of repressionist right-wing twat because I certainly oppose most of this current governments populist authoritarian measures.


Fuck you!

17.06.2004 18:50

I think I know the guy who put this nasty “Shut the Fuck Up” reply onto Indy media. It is common knowledge that he is a funding seeker middle class arse licker. A typical working class anarchist who has decided to kiss the arse of the middle classes to get funding and who also tries to convince everyone that they don’t even exist. This guy should recognise who his real enemies are and stop having a go at working class heroes like Mike Lane. How the fuck can you sleep of a night you fucking traitor? And hey, of course we know that not all the middle classes are twats. But you are!

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People may say stupid things... (I plead guilty to sometimes doing so myself)

17.06.2004 20:47

but calling them "Nazis", "fascists", "traitors", "arse lickers", etc etc is never going to get them to change their ways. It just makes you sound like a ranting lunatic IMHO.

But hey, that meteor is due to hit us in 2050, so lighten up! ;)

Tom A

Has it ever occured...

17.06.2004 21:06

Perhaps more working class people receive ASBOs because more working class people commit crime.

Paul C

More info = Nazi ?

18.06.2004 01:11

Blimey! I read the linked story through twice and I gotta say there is nothing self evident about the rights and wrongs of the case. To my mind, it is a reasonable question to ask for more information/facts before jumping to conclusions. Is that nazi, fascist class-traitor...? Why do so many people on indy these days see the need to shoot down anyone who even asks a question about a posting. THAT really is a type of A.S.B.

Also 'Curious'


18.06.2004 09:40

Totally unbelievable! I ask for everyone to not jump to conclusions but to discover more facts then get accused of being a middle-class fascist or working class traitor! AND, apparently, my request for us to be rational about things means I am pointing the country towards the concentration camps!! It would be funny if it wasn't so repugnant.

What planet do some people come from? Jeez, all I am saying is don't jump to conclusions. However, the replies flood in doing precisely that!

That is why the far left are labelled as loons and wierdos - some are incapable of seeing a different point of view without lapsing into childish name calling and ridiculous accusations. (Andy, Mike etc)

But then, why let the facts get in the way of a good rant? Indymedia used to be a place where debate happened and people saw a different side to a story, helping in the process of moving society and our ideals forward. It is now just a place where some on the extreme left rant like banshees, no better than the BNP. Sweeping generalisations, derogatory accusations and a ridiculous, blind believe in themselves being the ONLY right person on the planet. I for one will leave you to it.

As for those on the left (far or otherwise) who do not resort to such behaviour, keep up the work and keep the faith (just rid the movement of those who drag it back).


get your facts right

18.06.2004 17:45

So you lot are saying its ok for men to go around hitting women warders and just get away with it then.

Its ok to beat up council staff.

You talk about working class, these people work don't they, do not they have the right to protection from loonies out there.

And yes I do work for a fuckin living


working class bullshit

18.06.2004 17:56

i have never seen so much rubbish spouted about "working class traitors"
those people who work for both councils and rsl's are working class people they have just chosen to work where they want to
they contribute to the tax paid into the central pot that is used to pay benefits to lazy work shy lefties who think it is ok to abuse "working class" people
abuse to any human being whether working class, middle class, or even upper class should be something any decent person would abhor
leave them alone
and i am a working stiff

are you?


ASBO's ARE NAZI - their defenders should quit whining

19.06.2004 02:11

So I'm not supposed to call ASBO's Nazi according to some of these idiots. ASBO's mean the state can ban any action or speech, just because it decides it can make an excuse that someone else doesn't like it or might be inconvenienced - this takes away all individual liberties such as freedom of movement, free speech etc. The reasons for an ASBO can be very minor and it's at the discretion of magistrates - mostly upper class bigots - whether something counts as "anti-social". In other words, a low-ranking statist can ban ANYONE from doing or saying ANYTHING, WITHOUT a law or a vote, for an indefinite period, on pain of draconian penalties which are invoked on less than the usual standard of proof. This is NOT liberal democratic bourgeois statism, this is FASCISM pure and simple. Those who deny this should realise that in terms of these laws they are harassing me by expressing their views which I find offensive, and therefore will soon be off to prison if I happen to have a pal whose a magistrate (which I dont').

People who defend these laws are idiots because they are prepared to excuse this kind of major attack on human rights by raising petty concerns about minor problems of verbal abuse, drunkenness etc. They are also hypocrites because ASBO's themselves are a form of threat and harassment and so anyone who opposes threats and harassment must oppose ASBO's, or else they're just saying harassment is OK as long as it's statist thugs who are doing it and not working-class people. The facts of particular cases are beside the point, just like I don't care if some of the people in Auschwitz were criminals - the point is it's fascist and fascism must be smashed.

Therefore, people who support ASBO's, who call for activists to be more restrained in confronting them and not to sweepingly condemn the evil which they express, are fascist idiots. A perfectly rational conclusion which sadly offends these paeons of rationality.

If you don't understand that the question of whether in this or that case the people who are victimised are doing something which radicals shouldn't encourage, or whether they've caused some kind of harm to someone else, is a secondary matter given the immense harm caused by the repressive state machine, you simply don't have the foggiest idea what's at stake in these issues and you might as well go join the pigs. There's no place for "rationality" and "balance" when you're faced by a machinery of terror of the kind deployed by the British state.

If you're so concerned about protecting vulnerable people, why aren't you asking what protection there is for the psychologically different from being victimised by ASBO's? Many people have unconditional attachments they can't simply give up because some moron judge says so. Even a harmless unusual pattern of behaviour which is disturbing to normal people could become subject to an ASBO. On the other hand, there's no way those of us with unusual reactions and attachments can use ASBO's to protect us from the normal. Normalist terror must be stopped.

Although Tom doesn't care because he doesn't like "ranting lunatics".

As for the bigoted nonsense about "law abiding majority" and "criminal minority", remember that actions result from social circumstances and not from individuals; if you don't want the consequences in terms of misdirected resistance and nihilistic action which are the inevitable consequence of capitalism, then smash capitalism. Don't go victimising people who lash out because the system's dug them into a corner.

I've always found the most problems for me as someone who is different from other people have come first from officials (from university security guards to bus drivers) who take an authoritarian tone and provoke confrontations - and then try to blame these on me; and secondly, from "normal law-abiding" types who think their sheepish conformity immunises them from ethical critique and from having to engage with difference, and who therefore resent having to engage with anything outside their usual purview. And these idiots can, by the way, come from ANY social class.

I'm sick of living in constant fear of the state so that these morons can have their false sense of security that they aren't going to be offended by having things done to them which are far less than what the excluded have to put up with day in day out.

I'm sick of the assumption that the "loonies" have no right to hit back when we're forced into a corner by the normal, and that these "normal, decent" standards of submissive behaviour prove us to be inferior. I'm sick of the subhumanising rhetoric of the pseudo-rational idiots who think protecting themselves from "loonies", from the "very small number" who aren't like them, is the be-all and end-all and that we shouldn't resist the police state they're setting up.

ASBO's are a declaration of war against the different and an attack on all human and civil rights. They are Nazi, and they must be smashed. End of story.

mail e-mail: ldxar1@tesco.net


21.06.2004 11:23

So the solution is, therfore, to do nothing. Let that minority that make other people's lives an absolute misery, a living nightmare from one day to the next, get away scot-free. Let the good folk who don't annoy, harass, abuse and overwhelm communities be forced to suffer. Let society fall apart at the seems because we shouldn't be setting standards of behaviour.

Get a f****n grip and go out into the streets sometime to see old folk in their homes 24 hours a day, scared of the gang of kids (no doubt expressing their individuality) who harass them. See the family on an estate abused and targeted by other families for being "different" from them (i.e. being law-abiding citizens).

Just like every other simpering idiot trying to excuse these d***heads, you have to resort to the only jibe you know - calling anyone and everyone a Nazi. Childish, ridiculous and totally out of step with the reality on the streets.

Suppose it would be OK to let a group of people terrorise the rest of society into accepting that nothing can be done against them? Then again, that sounds too much like 1930s Germany to me.

Pardon me for wanting to live a peaceful life

Fuck your "experiences"

14.08.2004 22:09

Why do anti-"crime" idiots never have any better argument than to assume that no-one lives in the "real world" apart from them? Go and live in blah blah blah... well one or two of these anti-"crime" bigots should go and live in a Nazi police state and see how they like it - go live in fucking Iran or China for instance and see if you like the government "standing up to the yobs" - it's all nice and "peaceful" till someone decides they don't like your face and next thing you're in the Gulag.

I would say go live in Auschwitz and see how you like the consequences of your actions except you can't. And this is the problem. The easy "realities" of the short-sighted blind them to the horrors which are invisible till its too late.

BTW Nazism is not about impunity for individuals, its about dictatorship by the "community", the volksgemeinschaft as Hitler called it, and destruction of the enemies of the community, the anti-social or gemeinschaftsfremde. Anyone who thinks the petty antics of a few yobs can compare in the slightest to the atrocities of the state should go and live in Darfur or Palestine and see if yobs are the real problem or if state violence is a lot worse. Or maybe you'll help out the poor beleaguered Israeli soldiers forced to defend themselves against the stone-throwing yobs?

The reality on the streets: Resist social cleansing or die in hell, motherfucker!

"those who give up their liberties for a bit of temporary security, deserve neither liberty nor security" (Benjamin Franklin)


Bla Bla Bla

23.11.2004 00:54

...Bla Bla Bla this is not even about ABSOs' anymore! Its turned into conflict between the working and middle class. Maby Carl Marx did know what he was talking about when he stated than because of the Capitalist society and 'exploitation' of classes under that Capitalist this results in clear division between them and 'conflict' theory.

Come on ASBO's are like shooting at the Fox in a chicken run,you may kill 2 chickens while trying but its worth it,killing the fox has ultimatly saved the rest of the chickens, but still it is a pitty that even these 2 were lost.

( ASBO's do help society's rights but sometimes they can be minipulated to benefit the 'victem' )


This is Fantastic!

08.01.2005 19:55

Wow I really didnt think so many people actually cared this much?

I am a LLB student and I suppose you would call me working class because i went to a Grammar school rather than a private school and my parents are a managing director and a teacher???

I do have a huge chip on my shoulder about middle class university students going off on 'daddy's' ,oney to thailand etc etc but i am still at uni thru sheer determination because i want to be a prosecutor having witnessed these 'individuals' that express their tastes to the degredation of others.

Aside from my back ground i am researching ASBOs for my dissertation and came accross this article and i salute you guys (ironically you are all men - what does that say about the patriarchial state)

Does anyone have anything meaningful to say about ASBOs without descending into a class war? Email me!


mail e-mail: kb68@kent.ac.uk


08.12.2005 11:45

Why do people assume that ASBO's are a working class phenomenon? Have you not noticed that it is a nation wide problem? If you wish to degrade your roots by saying that working class people are the only ones capable of being unruly and disrespectful, then carry on. I actually disagree with many of the previous comments. ASBO's are also given to many, what is termed, middle class youngsters. Apart from Kelly, have any of you actually researched ASBO's? I am currently doing research on ASBO's for one of my assignments for uni and it is quite interesting what you can find. Please do your research before publishing comments on these sites.


mail e-mail: jules12165@aol.com

asbo's in scotland

10.12.2005 15:30

hello having read the comments above, like Kelly i to are doing my dissertaion on asbo's in my home county of N.Lanarkshire, in central scotland. my home town area was hit hard by the thatcher era and much of our heavey indusry collapsed as a result, with much unemployment and all the other problems which come with this. my point is that asbo is not a new phenomenon, and it is not just commited by young peopl i.e 10 to 18, the vast majority is by 18 to 25 yr olds. In my research asbo are not being used correctly in england, (this is not an english slur), in north lanrkshire there are mediation teams, and a task force and support networks for the local community, as far as i can see the english councils are going ott with the legislation and not thinking about the individuals or the different situations that asbos occur. ie. not all asb situation requires an asbo. asbo is really the failure of this county to bring up our young in stable family environments our cities are being ruined by drugs and drink, and our communities no longer feel as though they can handle the problem. we have for the past 3 decade been having disfunctional familes having further disfunctional families, resulting in asbos. im not saying there are no good families because there are but they are dwindling. that's my 2 cents worth. and for the record in more working class than andy cap ( the cartoon)

kevin mckenzie
mail e-mail: k.h.mckenzie@dundee.ac.uk


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