pingupete, 13.05.2004 21:50
A list of this year's alternative candidates in the Liverpool local elections.
In this year’s local elections there is probably the best spread of alternative candidates in a long time, and with the BNP being a real threat regionally and racist/nationalist parties standing locally, maybe this year it is worth voting in some areas of Liverpool. The numbers are:
27 Green Party candidates
8 Socialist Alliance
7 Liverpool Labour
5 Socialist Labour
1 Communist Party
In Central ward both the Greens and Liverpool Labour have a chance of getting one or two candidates in and in Greenbank Greens and Socialist Alliance could really easily strip Labour of enough votes to relegate their candidates into 3rd place or worse.
After some consideration, I’ve included Liverpool Labour on the list as the main point of this is to people show there are alternatives to the Tory Party 1, Storey Party in disguise) and the Tony Party. Amusingly, Howard’s Tories are in meltdown in Liverpool – they only managed 29 candidates, even less than last year despite 90 vacancies.
If you only have 1 or 2 decent local candidates, there is no compulsion to use your 2nd or 3rd vote, and if you don't believe voting will have any effect (even if it is only a kick up the arse in some marginal Labour / Lib Dem seat), then read something else that won't bore you as much.
Anfield: Lesley Mahmood & E Nattrass (Socialist Alliance)
Central: Peter Cranie, Faye Griffiths and A Rudkin (Green Party)
George Knibb & M Whitty (Liverpool Labour)
Childwall: A Saunders (Green)
Church: E Martin (Green)
Clubmoor: G Theys (Socialist Labour Party)
Cressington: A Ferguson (Green)
Croxteth: A Graham (Green), A Jennings and J Jones (Liverpool Labour) and V Shaw (Socialist Labour Party)
Everton: H Bryant (Green)
Fazakerley: D Kidd (Liverpool Labour)
Greenbank: J Birch-Holt, A Hoban & P Musgrove (Green Party)
R Foulkes, C Jones & S Yates (Socialist Alliance)
Kensington and Fairfield: Mike Lane (Socialist Labour)
Kirkdale: D Cook, E Van Der Linde & M Williams (Green Party)
A Hincks and T Smith (Liverpool Labour)
Mossley Hill: V Anderson & A Howarth (Green Party)
Norris Green: Kai Anderson (Socialist Labour) & Eric Cartmel (Green Party)
Old Swan: P Filby, C Ralph and J Ralph (Socialist Alliance)
Princes Park: S Holgate, A Ploger and J Williams (Green Party)
Riverside: J Brown, N Stentiford & L Warner (Green Party) and J Cormack (Communist Party)
St Michaels: J Clatworthy, J Hill & H Jago (Green Party)
West Derby: P Goodwin (Socialist Labour) and I Graham (Green Party)
For those on the left / progressive wing of politics in Allerton, Belle Vale, County, Knotty Ash, Picton, Speke, Tuebrook, Warbreck, Wavertree, Woolton and Yew Tree wards, there is always the Euro elections. The Greens and Respect are running. Use your vote wisely and help stop the BNP.
13.05.2004 22:15
Are the Socialist Alliance standing? I thought that they weren't allowed?
Democratic Socialist Alliance - rebels against Respect
14.05.2004 00:45
'Democratic Socialist Alliance - People Before Profit'
Ok newswire cleaners, I'm not promoting them, just telling people that the SA rebels are standing here and there - they have been in dispute with the Socialist Alliance for a while now, mainly due to the SWP-domination and the Respect's formation.
Its useful for people to know...isn't it?
Galloway's an honest bloke
e-mail: honest!
14.05.2004 11:52
'Democratic' Socialist Alliance. More like the minority.
Workers Liberty with a couple of others I assume...
Hide the following 9 comments
Missed info last time
18.05.2004 12:25
You will only help the BNP
18.05.2004 21:17
A vote against labour, he's your new leader
18.05.2004 22:43
Those of us who have been out delivering Searchlight in Norris Green have come from Labour, the Left, Greens and non-political types. It doesn't achieve anything to slag each other off. The real issue is the Euro elections, as Owens will not get nearly enough votes to get elected in the locals, but we will of course stay vigilant.
What about Sefton, Knowsley, St.Helens and Wirral ??
18.05.2004 23:32
Kai - the one that got a way...
Kai Andersen
Knowsley and Wirral info
19.05.2004 00:29
J Oakley & P Oakley (Green Party) in Whitefield ward
D Croft & S Whatham (Socialist Labour) in Prescott West
C Leidstrom & P Monaghan (Green Party) in St Bartholomews
I Croft, E McIntosh & K Tyrrell (Socialist Labour) in Halewood South
Wirral info - 18 Greens only (I think) but no details to hand
Does anyone know what the "Wirral Independent Network" stand for, as I believe they have candidates over there?
Two seats go to Labour uncontested in Kirkby...
19.05.2004 13:10
Two wards remain uncontested in Kirkby. This is a sign of the political apathy here which has grown in intensity since the 80's when the local Labourites watched Kirkby turn into a town were young people were interested in politics, to one where we've seen turn outs consistently in the region of 20% of the electorate turning out. Since the 80's, the numbers attending local labour party meetings have gone lower and lower, no youngsters are coming forward to take up the New Labour flag (or rose) - and most young people here don't even bother to vote, with hundreds not even choosing to go on the electoral roll and perhaps hundreds of Kirkby lads in nick, not able to vote. In reality we may be seeing less than 10% of the younger population voting. Knowsley Council see this apathy as a bonus and for the past few years, the old 'ready to retire' brigade have been put out to pasture to ride off the last few years of labour support in the Northern Heartlands. In the past few years, most of New Labours traditional links and support with the working class who built the party has been decimated. New Labour have not just bitten the hand that fed them, they've chopped off the arm.
The two wards uncontested are below......
Cherryfield Ward
Jayne Elizabeth Aston, Edward (Ted) Grannell and Daniel Smith
Kirkby Central Ward
William (Billy)Brennan, Jacqueline Harris, and finally John Patrick King,
A new generation sees the New Labour Party as not being for the working class. Many older people have had enough of the lies of the last 7 years. We live in a Country which has seen the gap between rich and poor grow at a relentless pace. The lies over the Iraq war in particular are about as low as a British Government can get. Never before have the British people been lied to on such a scale and so blatantly.
Try WWW below for more info' hope your not a heirarchy type thingy do da...
Kai Andersen
Homepage: http://Yeah I've got one...
voting and emotional blackmail
25.05.2004 03:49
Labour candidates
25.05.2004 19:42
Have you looked into any of their campaigning backgrounds?
Would you vote for the strongest placed left-of-Labour candidate in Jeremy Corbyn's constituency?
Greens an Alternative?
04.06.2004 11:27
But then, it suits the Greens to let everyone believe that they are small, fighting against the machine!
Useless bunch who never get anything done when they do have some influence.