Having a place where you can simply play your songs to an audience may sound like something anyone can put together, but its not that easy, it takes dedication, commitment and passion.
A local independent venue in Liverpool City Centre being under threat is an absurd situation. A venue with an undisputed track record like the Picket's is a rare thing indeed, a great facility for people to entertain and to be entertained, and an important launch pad in the local and national music industry.
Week-in, week-out since 1984 acts have performed and grown up alongside the venue, some even made a career out of it, many are now parents, whose children have performed at the venue, providing the next generation of musicians and stars.
The Picket has never been in it for the money but it's 2004 and the (c)vultures have struck..
"Who will lose out"? New talent and local enthusiasts, simple as that.
Encouraging and supporting new acts is a role the venue took on with a rare enthusiasm and its no easy task,
" What equipment do we need?” " How do we progress?” " Where do I plug in?”
The Venue will survive, in what format we just don't know, that’s in other peoples hands- but it will definitely remain in people's hearts, after all we have an army behind us, an army of music lovers, people that care about music with a passion...........Liverpool is our home.
The final gig at the venue will take place on Friday 30th April 2004, the lights may go out but the songs will still ring out.
Friday 30th April 2004
One More Gig!!
Friday night 30th APRIL 2004 is the last night of the PICKET in its present form.
On Friday night there is one last hurrah!
A band will play at the finale, featuring three generations of great Liverpool music...Gary and Scott from the BANDITS, Ian Templeton from SHACK, Robbie J Harper from the MIGHTY WAH! and...PETE WYLIE!
Regards, The www.petewylie.com team
It would be great to see you there. We are going to have a good time.
Neil Robinson. The last call: 25/04/2004.
Below is a document listing the numerous bands and acts who have performed at the Picket over the last 20 years, it may not be totally complete, but see if you can spot your band, your brother/sisters band, your mates band, your son/daughters band, a 'lazzy' band...........Here's to all the bands in Liverpool and Merseyside. Thank You. I am not alone..............Nothing comes from nothing.
The Boo Radleys, China Crisis, Ladytron, The Lotus Eaters, Janice Long, No, The Real Thing, The Farm, Pete Wylie, Timeflies, The Philharmonic String Quartet, The Burs, Craig Charles, Gem, Speed, Cast, Space, 16 Tambourines, Freefall, The High Five, Boned, The Hoovers, The Others, Icicle Works, The Living Brain, Africa Oye, L20, Ooberman, Shack, Pool, Pele, The Room, Pete McGovern, Giro, John Peel, Zeb, Paul Holden, Top, Bettynoire, Personal Column, Plaster Caster, The Lawnmower, Headshift, The Sensies, DJ JC, Eutopia, Rain, Gaia, The Cherry Boys, Topaz, Kit, Jennifer, John and Sense of Sound, Amsterdam, Cardello, Up and Running, Antigua Joe, Asian Voices Asian Lives, DJ Norman, The Stairs, Mike McCardle, The Real People, Smaller, Cook Da Books, Waste, Animal Orchestra, Bede Beatles, Manmade Superbugs, The Hut, Platform, 20 While 40, Bargain, Prince Ola & the River Niger, The Earz, General Public, Immune, Man Island, Cecil, Divide, Ricky Spontane, The Snakes, Cassidy, Ornament, Plastercaster, Bantu, Carbon Atom, Caleb, Ricky Tomlinson, Hank Walters, The La’s, The Coral, The Bandits, Loveland 1881, Ten 58, Silverback, Effigy, Vast, De Grouchy Street Band, Horizon, The Flying Jamhead Orchestra, Tramp Attack, Bloefelt, Dude, Pinhole, The Park, Big Shakes, Sideshow, Planet Rage, Duende, Mulu, The Usual Suspects, Pale Water, Station, Rider, Chris Hanby, Black Death Vodka, Obsolete, Mdma, Alien Babies, Debut, McGill, Keegan, Maze, Remo, Iconoclast, 86, Bullet, Llama, Roller, Tokyo Adventures, Chance, Taxi, 10 Days, The Filware Way, The Ark, Wake, Equitone, Universal Surprisin, Targets Without Reason, The Ribs, Nicer, Guild of Defiants, Busted, Experience, Jah Deeanko, Moses, Cadium, Checkpoint, Curious Yellow, Napoleon, Grass Soup, Taypia, Moon Boogie, The Garys, Lil ‘Lesha, Nick Johnston, 3rd Ear, Big Wheels, The Profile, Nia, Dina, The Score, Magic Child, Chase, Television Fruit, Scooby, We Know Alfie, General Public, Coora, Inpact, Speedball, The Black Velvets, Steve Roberts, Devil’s Kitchen, 25th of May, Metro Manila Aide, Painted Faces, Wake, Tide, Speaker, Frosty, Aneurysm, Samba Kids, The Same, Roundabout, Lady Mcrady, Zuprowski Connection, Hollow Point, The Dock Band, Fieldy, Meantime, Pulse Frenzy, DJ Sonny, Supervision, Grandmas Tent, Tinstone, The Mockingbirds, George Williams, Too Deep, Taylor T, Tooth, Bitter Little Me, Oyl, The Quest, The Lodgers, Made For Jane, Telephone, Zero, 20-20, Spicy Goat, Saculus, Honey, Manna, Tophouse, Reach, Tuskerwood, The Victims, Future Baby, Sonu, Flamingo 50, Tramp Attack, Winter, Something Beginning With H, Motive, Pheromone, Milkwood, The Parade, Hotspring Healers, Hanna, Undertow, The String Quartet Ensemble Of St. Lukes, Strange, Choker, Saved By Zero, Dead Poppies, The Herb Company, Hoodwink, Kathryn Dion-King, Ekinmogun Orchestra, Sliders, Electric Lounge, Pleasure, Akira, Two World Dimension, Nowhere Fast, The Bond, Feminine Force, Monroe, Shiva, The Sunlight Experience, Slack, Crisp, Fonda, Stellar, Gary Hetherington, Lovelight, The Bemused, Lookin 4 Treasure, The Transparent Band, Garva, World Service, Brood, Mr Jelly, Jo Jo Gretsch, Big White Stairs, Vibe, Butch & Craze, Pocket Devils, Autumn Tone, The Love Gods, Trust, Open Mind, EST, Pink Oboe Baroque Ensemble, Too Young To Die, Daze, Ink Via Nib, Cousin Grace, Fish Pie, Sister Madly, The Goheads, Mexico Party, The Exiles, Mephisto Waltz, Cellophane, Epodrhyhmology, Jo Public, Master Murphy, Cotton, Jezebong, Surreal, Necropacy, Circus Mind, Thigh High, Junglebone, Red Dog, Payback, The Lyrical, 28 Costumes, Sons Of Funk, MIA Posse Profile, Shaka Djs, K Dee Lite, Gomorrah, Little Flames, Morbid Symphony, Tomorrow Never Knows, Warp Spasm, Mannix, River, The Truth, Innerdaze, Dead Beatlife, The Stoops, Necropsy, Binyun Preyline, Bill, Mister Ronz, Eighty, Kate, Yes & No!, Mojo Risin, Dearly Beheaded, Oscuro, Ugly Ed, Dougal’s Mountain, Contempt, Nothing, Roadside Prophets, Jake’s Edge, 5000 Days, Hoodwink, Martian Juggernaut, NCM, Rumblefish, The Three Blaggers, Roll, Beaver, Steal, Metric, The Wirie Swans, The Singles, the Peacemakers, The Kerouacs, Alone, Klydos, Pipe, Underground Intelligence, 0890, Pimbeche, The Winigeos, Blame Oscar, Bulb, Commercials, Cicadia Falls, The Burning Eyes, The News, The Jamborines, Watergate, Akira, Kreskin, Usurpa, The Roaches, Mojo Pin, The Moonbathers, Vegas Poets, Gemma Rafferty, DJ Phil Ronaye, Bitchumen, The Bridge, Skeptic Messiah, Diffused, Skank Like Frank, Some Shall Corner, Cloud Nine, The She, The Sights, Western Avenue, The Sun Devils, Status Quid, Bloodshot Rollin’ Red, Catcher, Marine, Sub-sonic, The Mighty Saguaro, Filterhouse, Pace, The Shining Hours, The Stop Children, Dube, Impact, Proper, Tonic, Kidney, Nuyen, Odega, One Summer, Pollen, Inner City Element, The Moonies, The Hokum Clones, Cranebuilders, Bowlhead, The Maybes, BDV, The Joes, Zuko, Dallas, Freemaker, Cadea, Try or Die, Hyperplant, Bullyrag, Niche, Blatant, Trilby, Disneyporn, Poe Alley, James Johnston, Roscoe, The Vine, Talisman, House of Shame, Crafty Jack, Fink Ployd, Phelix Culper, Vicki Smith, Animal Orchestra, Zuko, The Void, Forty Space Rats, Untitled, Sean Butler, the Mojave Collective, Headshop, The Tone, Umbra, The Collectors, The Relatives, Tokyo Adventures, The Collective, The Sarlets, Elefant, Jude, The Small Cardies, The Very Fellows, Engine, The Circles, Line Out, Kaluta, Ursaminor, Manbreak, Arena, Gluebound, Skyclad, Joel, Limehouse, Maverick, Snakeskins, Joab’s Comforter, Mullato, Poke, Ultrapimp, Fat Neck, Cresta, The Sons of Rhythm, Mannequin, Alive, Mad Dogs and Englishmen, Gabrielle’s Wish, Mello DeSlim, Swoon, The Aeroplanes, Surge, Rob Nicholson, Danny Ankrah, Blueseed, Jade Groove, Atonal, Peter Coyle, Dude, Paker, the Haine, Sonny, Heidi Range, Monkey Toes and the Broken Banjos, Likewise, Lunar Maroon, Dude, The Crash Band, Marlowe, Audio Slave, Lagerfoot, The Ozeds, Circadia, So Many Inches, 4090n3, Positive Energy, Threehundredclear, Ferris Wheel Junkies, Elysium, The Curb, Northern Lights, Deep Jeep, Firehead, Jade Groove, Radorbox, Cactus Flower, Superfiction, Zoomorphic, Stereotypes, The Bitter Pills, Joe Mckecknie, Dean Johnson, Dreamcatcher, Lucid, 20/20, Indian Summer, The Loving Kind, Rhombus of Doom, Bright, Plasticine Genie, Ease, Fascia, Atonal, Rattlebus, Asbestos Popcorn, Blueseed, The Bliss, Pleasure Sqeeks, Junior, Sizer Barker, The Tables, DBH, Vest, The Clear, The Quarter, The Meek, The Brothers with Different Mothers, Resthome, Rapido Satellite, Space Train, I Piñata,
The Wizzards Of Twiddly, Libido, Atlantic Drift, Psycle, Lizard X, Angel, The Kings Of Infinite Space, Sons Of Gandhi, AM, Fickelfinger, Reckless Elbow, Friends of Ken,
Slit Level Head, Hayden, Bottle o’ Vine, The Maximum Who, Bobhowla, Fuzzwah, Cartel, Bueller, Kaleidoscope, Sunday Drivers, Digsy, Pumpkinhead, The Shards, Generic, Underground Intelligence, The Sons, Longtime Dead, Tommy 8, Mohammed Khalil, Bernie Murphy, Frakture Big Band, Luetha's Vale, Hokum Clones, Seventeen Flys, All that Jazz, Slippery Floor, Monkey Puzzel, Porcelain, Radio Clash, Curtis Williams, Hectic Children, Slaughter High, PoppyField, Carlton Breasy, The Big Kids, Ripe Yellow, Supermarket, Innervision, Stray Grey Sock, Jetgeneration, Frakture, Santa Carla, Live Jam, Bloo, Juicer, The Monzas, Antigua Joe, The Quarter, Vito, Haze, Return Of the Native, G2, Jonesy, Venus, The Players, D’No, The Days, Cubical, All Day Glow, The Bovines, Stories in Reverse, Orson, Ripe Yellow, Shoar, Steve Siren Streetband, Trilby, Live Transmission, Juke James & the Voola, Life Bomb, The Isrites, Chione, King Penguin, Indigo Stone, Real Life, The What, Intermajic, Ferris Wheel Junkies, G2, Agent Olive, CS Drift, Hayleys Cake, Kelso, Hotel, Karmer, The Black Jackals, Perchanga, Jelly Button, Dorian Gray, Lunar Maroon, 8.55, The Basement, Martin Malone, Aween, The Hip Heads, Cirkus, Rise, Soviet Underdog,
The Aeroplanes, Sound System Zero, The Worm That Turned, Leroy, The O-Zeds, Mecca, Spearwater, Location, 60 Dakota, Lost, Twin Babies, Zombina and the Skeletones, BND, Ohio Rain, Come in Tokyo, Crydee, Zoomorphic, The Hot Carl’s, Badge, Steven Kennedy, Pyramid Dream, The Pies, Mixie’s Men, Anastasia, Cancun, Dork, House of Shame, The Preachers, Nanmess, The Switch, Pleasure, Soundface, Terrain, The Upstarts, Steed, The Way, Tripper, Silence, Decoy, Atari Doll, Blowback, 26 Feet, Headshift, Feedback Groove, Steve Roberts, Carbon Atom, Bobafett, The World of My Oyster, Kingpyn, Lazy Mary, Planet Monday, Bland, The Tide Marks, Mustang, Iconoclast, Wicker, Lapel, Jason Generation, Storm, Maeve Ella, C-Zero, Saphina Aziz, Zylo Roots, The Gemtones, Kieron & Danny, Buffalo Club, The Compulsives, Kassius, Yen, Topeka, Lucas, Mixtwitch, Woodrow, Doris Strokes & the Horrorscopes, Space Cadets, Gold Wire, Alive, Sandbanks Laid Bare, The Jags, One Summer, The Substitutes, Green, Decoy, Bex, Deep End, DJ Shines, Zen Baseball Bat, Chatauqua, The Tractors, Shanks Gumaras, Sarah Lillian & the Sweetpeeps, DRS, Japanese Cars, Them, Burn, Head of John, Plastic Soul, Blue Anything, The Indigos, Repeater, Singing Ringing Tree, Skokian, Midriff, Sideshow, Triad, Hillhouse, Ursaminor, One Man Orgy, Bible Code, Lo-Vision, Big Sur, Sugargun, Ruth, The Leavers, Loop Garu, Nasher, Lifesaver, Analog, Levi Tafari, Moscow, Payola, Loves Young Lust, Godsquad, Charlie Don’t Surf, Go Texas, House of Vibes, The Re-Erection of Richard Joy, Tin Stone, Clay, Rude Boy, The Sun Devils, Bright, Woody, Outburst, Mock Orange, Starface, Strange Weather, The Indica Project, Pussyman, Applecore, DJ Sonny, Cube, The View, Maingate, Rudy Simone, The Port, Minka, Prove, Vivid, Catfish Café, Boing, Bamboo Rain, Grampus 8, Mohammed Kahlil, Dionysons, Sonu, Blast, 26 Feet, The Earlys, Monkey Steals The Drum, Retro Fix, The Essence, Page Le Ways, Ian McNabb, The Luxuries, Paradigm Shift, Out, Smoover, Thinner, Daybreak, Smiley, Shakedown, The Ribs, Mamadou & The Libidor Band, Anima, Liquid Nerve, Line Out, The Featherlites, Cornucopia, Clint, Shadey, Georgia, Revolver, Deprived, Cammy, Omaha, Creepmachine, Melt, Jub Jub, Agent Cooper, Bionic, Richie Geezer, Cornerstone, The Deluded Minds, Attach Toys, Falstaff, Double Automatic Jackpot, Festive, Allasandra, Froth, The Urchins, Freemaker, Flud, Ricky Russell, Child, Jules Verne, Dead Poppies, The Lemmings, Cube, Later, Mexico Party, Tony Kehoe, Joy, Itchy Blue Fingers, Isis, Homegrown, Northern Souls, Fatamtiche, Cody, Danny Connor, Eggman, The Ahabs, The Sons, Maddee, The Shyne, Glyder, Xebra, Cubic Jinx, SAH, Pure 9, Civita, The Shyne, Claude Sword, Haze, Bobhowla, Smiling Jackals, Ruddock, Food, Mantis, Minimum Wage, Melletron, The Co-Dependants, Moog, Omaha, I Pinata, OilSeed, Aqua Spacer, Christine Lavine, Kobe, Magic Clock, Gluebound, If Where Ocean, Kevin Critchley, Makulth, Flufty, Snappertronics, Nanmess, Starfish, Phat Skillz, Dharma Bums, Honey, The Transparents, 35 Summers, Abyss, Morph, Lemons, District 64, Out There, Ruby Attack, The Huckleberries, Nikki Hayden, Timba Troubalz, Fake Fur, Marine, Dube, Shakti, In-Mates, Playhouse, Positive Impact, Chris Elliott, 100 Watt Orange, Clay, Leroy, Tony Lawton, OIC, The Crash Band, Gheko, Mazuma Fly, 20 While 40, The Moggs, Boweevil, The Majority, Find, Crimson Rise, Lionize, Native Instinct, Kung Fu, Flynn’s Piece, De Grouchy Street Band, Co-Optimists, Kelso, Giant, The Loafers, Curious Yellow, Happy Accident, Blasted Tower, Cacophonics, Linus, The Edge, The Frocks, Cusp, Ontick, Dog Flambé, Jules Reid, Djenifus, Frantic, Madison, Orinoco Shores, Private Universe, Worlds Apart, The Davincis, Beatsheroes, Hey Marsha, Sole Mantra, Eat My Dog, Street Legal, Tiempo Libre, Central Dense, Soon 2B September, Milo, Sell Out Floor, First Envy, Dr Phibes and House of Wax Equations, Gumshoe, Castle Wasabi, The Spinners, Freakhealer, Sacculas, Lauren, The Riverside Venus Connection, Pulse, Barfinkle, The Carmels, Lobe, Fat Tuesday, Eskimo Chains, Insider, Kennedy, The Loft, Dead Good Stereo, The Andrew Steel Band, K, Scary Monsters, Ugsy, DNA, Pontoon, The Finest, Pulse, Benway, Category D, The Co-Stars, Howie, Virginia Haze, Evolver, Divide, Nil, Out of The Ordinary, Palm, Open Season, Stigma, The Wickermen, The Maxtones, Joe & the Brakemakers, Tuskerwood, Plastic Smile, The Skylarks, Cease, Ogun, The Sex Gods, Kameon, Skunk, Monchrome, Passenger, Mustang, The Others, Woomaroo, Magic Garden, Byrogyro, John Kirkpatrick, Chameleon Zoo, Playhouse, Goodness Gracious Groove, October Revolution, Exceedingly Good Cakes, Crazy Fat Ethel, Rainhorse, Traveller, The Onset, Ark, Outland, The Patriots, The Shine, The Vernons, The Nectarines, The New Avengers, The Subliminals, Newborn, Sub Sonic, Heifer, Silvertone, Lyrical Compact, Sheldon, Tut Tut, Ophelia, The Passenger Side, Elephant Spa Garden, The Ghengis Pack, Dass Unser, The Honeyskin, F Beat, S/Heroes, Poisoned Electric Head, Latin Quarter, 4 Real, Breed, Spontaneous Cattle Combustion,
And many many more…………………….thanks, without you it wouldn’t have been possible….we all shine on
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