The council houses in the area and in the surrounding areas have been transferred to a new social landlord called Knowsley Housing (KH), I think? One tenant I was working for told me that they were told that the rent would not go up. She also told me that when new tenants move in they are charged more than tenants who were there before houses went over to KH. She said she paid £45, or there abouts, per week and new tenants who move in are charged £60 per week.
Because of the situation pertaining to the tenancy being changed from secure tenancy (secure tenancy is monitored by the rent officer and the Housing Corporation, both of whom are corrupt and in with the RSL's anyway) to assured tenancy (assured tenancy is not monitored) the RSL's can charge one tenant more than another tenant for the same type of house. If this is happening it is a very serious issue and surly proves that we are moving into an era of social injustice as never seen before. As working class people it is our duty to stand up against this injustice, which is being perpetrated against us by predominantly middle class housing administrators who used to work for the city councils but now work for RSL's or Housing Associations, paying themselves even bigger salaries. What these council officer have done is steal our public houses thus create even better paid jobs for themselves by creating new social landlords which are in reality private landlords. In reality they have given themselves our houses for them to administrate when they could have given the houses to the tenants, many of whom have paid for them three times over. Are you aware of this injustice?
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