The Kirkby Times | Urban 75 - Kirkby Times Website banned!(local community website in Liverpool) | |
According to the Blueyonder representative I spoke to today (28 Nov 2003) - the basic reason the website has been pulled is because of "Remarks on the site around current and past members of the Council" Also, some mention of "land deals" was made. Blueyonders legal dept have been informed that I wish have to full details of the actual complaint. How can I correct anything contentious if I don't know what the actual contentious content is? Hopefully Blueyonder will be in touch soon, until then we know only that Knowsley Council are behind the legal threats. It would be easy to guess the suspect 'chief moaners' though. Some Councillors take it on the chin; others throw the dummy out of the pram.
For the time being the website is hosted on another website hosting company, but Knowsley Council leave me no alternative but to host Kirkby Times from American or Asian website companies. Knowsley Council can rest assured that this tactic of closing Kirkby Times down will rebound back and have most people in Kirkby and elsewhere thinking that the Council have something to hide. The Council will find that even the cleverest of Lawyers are going to inform them that there is nothing they can do once Kirkby Times is hosted outside of Countries covered by UK law. Once it becomes clear just which past and current councillors have complained - Kirkby Times will be naming these Enemies of Free Speech and also encouraging locals to oppose them in the Council Elections in 2004. Knowsley Council have made legal history in as much as they are the first UK Council to attempt to close down a local news website. This decision will haunt them.
Suppression of any form of opposition is an obsession with Knowsley Council - it has twisted their judgement and by banning Kirkby Times they are showing how out of touch they are with the community. Most local people who visit Kirkby Times are very supportive. Even those who disagree with some of the content have a begrudging respect for the website.
Knowsley Council are an absolute disgrace. We are supposed to be a democracy but this is a town with no opposition and New Labour can do anything they want here. They built a massive polluting factory on our doorstep despite our high rate of cancer and lung and respiratory disease. - They have sold off school fields like St Kevin's and All Saints plus have lined up many more. Kirkby Times also exposed the disgraceful SRB fund scandal which saw Northwood SRB money wasted on a level which leaves one to wonder whether the people involved understand the meaning of the word 'accountability'. Knowsley Council may prefer to live in a fantasy world where they believe most people here actually respect them - in truth - most of us are fuming at the FAT CAT wages and the deals and land sales and various appointments and goings on. Knowsley Council should thanking myself and the excellent contributors to Kirkby Times for at least bringing some balance to the propaganda we endure with the Council run 'local' papers and the Councils website.
Unlike Knowsley Council, I believe people have the right to make their own minds up regarding what is published. As adults, and young people, we can surely make our own minds up - Kirkby Times is about Local News and contains a lot of factual research which is a great help to local people interested in politics or what's going on.
As webmaster of Kirkby Times I ask you to complain in the strongest terms to Knowsley Council for this move to close down a community website which is written for the people of Kirkby by the people of Kirkby. Without Kirkby Times we will be denied an excellent news website which reports on the issues which the local and national media often steer clear of.
The decision to close down Kirkby Times was political. Knowsley Council realised that the internet was becoming an alternative news source - and that Kirkby Times was popular and gaining in popularity on a local level. The website was beginning to be accepted by local people as a legitimate source of news and local topics.
I have never really publicised Kirkby Times by emailing political organisations - but need to do so now so as to ensure that any organisations or individuals with something controversial to say are not denied that chance in the future. However - I would not expect you to simply believe my version of events - you can read Kirkby Times for yourself and judge whether the website is in any way unacceptable. An important point to remember is that ANYONE has the right to a full unedited reply over any articles or multimedia content. Kirkby Times has never refused anyone the chance to have their say - and articles have been altered or removed after people have contacted me.
In 2 years I have 3 complaints off local people. Two of the complaints were resolved amicably and were trivial issues, the third never replied after a full and frank reply to issues raised regarding an article. Had Knowsley Council contacted me - or individual Councillors - the article would have been removed or altered accordingly if there was any danger of comments being deemed to be defamation.
Kirkby Times stands up for the downtrodden people of Kirkby - for the elderly, the defenceless, the kids with nowhere to play and for the decent people who just try to get on in their own way. It is controversial only because we are so used to never having opposing views. Reading the truth is refreshing - many local people read the website and enjoy seeing the Councillors criticised for once. Kirkby Times - unlike Knowsley Councils website - has the right of reply for anyone who wishes to take heed with any article. This includes Councillors.
George Orwell hit the nail on the head when he said.........
"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." Thanks to everyone who has supported Kirkby Times in the 2 years we've been online - I appeal to the people of Kirkby in particular to complain in the strongest terms about this denial of a precious platform for freedom of speech in Kirkby. This issue goes beyond Kirkby and I would call upon anyone who believes in Freedom of Speech to complain - this includes the many websites linked to by Kirkby Times, local, national or international.
What can I do to help? Email a Complaint to Knowsley Council Chief Executive Steve Gallagher
I would also ask you to circulate this article either by emailing it or linking to the article. Please pass this information to any forums or newsgroups you may use and to inform any journalists/webmasters/organisations etc who may wish to publicise the case or get more information by actually seeing what all the fuss is about.
If you run or are involved in a website - please include a link to Kirkby Times.
Support Free Speech in the UK. Remember, if they close down Kirkby Times - ask yourself which website is next? This attack on the people of a small working class town in Liverpool is an attack on all of us who believe in the principle of free speech. Sometimes free speech isn't pretty, it can upset some people, but without it we live under a dictatorship and are heading for a nightmare future. Knowsley's Councillors, or those who don't like the content of Kirkby Times, should either reply or stay quiet. To go sneaking round my back is typical of the New Labourites here. Blair promised us open government and accountability. He lied.
Thanks for your continued support Mick Dempsey - Webmaster: Kirkby Times
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