Is there such a thing as a middle class left-winger?
Do the middle class left have a different cultural perspective than the working class left?
Do middle class left-wingers have their heads buried in international issues?
Have the working class been brainwashed into thinking that the middle classes don’t even exist?
Is there a middle class resurgence in the UK?
Are the above questions a taboo or a reality?
Lets take a look at what is happening in Liverpool and for that matter in all the cities throughout the UK. The biggest issue is the plight of poor working class pensioners, who coexist on the £70 per week state pension, which is topped up by £32 social security, bringing the total weekly pension to £102 per week. How the bloody hell can anyone live on that? Yet hundreds of thousands of British pensioners are expected to live on this pittance.
Then we have the situation pertaining to the closure of care homes, especially council care homes. Liverpool and Merseyside has seen most of its car homes closed and the ones that are still there can not look after their elderly residents properly because they are being run on a shoe string as central and local government cuts funding to a minimum.
All in all, if like me you are nearly fifty or over, and like many working class people who have not bothered to put away for a pension because they never seem to earn enough to do so, there is nothing down for you. Us poor unfortunates will have to live on the dreadful state pension, made up by social security benefits. What a future we face!
It’s about time the left wing organised the pensioners and demanded a better future for them. If the middle class left wing, who are mostly all well healed with great pensions and their nice houses in the suburbs, wont help working class pensioners (because they have their heads buried in international issues) then us working class folk need to get together and fight for a better deal from this despotic government that is slowly eroding our civil liberties.
What are Age Concern and all these other central and local government funded agencies, which claim to be helping pensioners, doing to address the problems facing poor working class pensioners? Absolutely nothing! Most of the administrative guys who work for these agencies are middle class trendy leftists, who after witnessing the miseries of poor working class pensioners, retreat back to their nice little houses in the suburbs.
The working class middle-aged need to push these useless well-healed middle class hedonists to one side, organise themselves and their working class pensioner comrades, to fight for a better deal.
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