This is a battle which we can win by changing the minds of all but a few backbench MP's... it really is that simple.
Get your tickets from the Liverpool Students' Union - only £5 for a day trip to London on the coach.
Get Involved - Make a Difference - Make Yourself Heard.
Its dead easy to lie back moan about it and accept could protest and try to do something about it! Come to London on the 26th October and fight against it. Tony Blair is facing the biggest revolt of his reign from his own party and there are only a few more backbenchers we need to turn around before he has lost a majority. This is a battle we can win.
London. Sunday 26th October. National Demonstration against Hardship. A return trip to London for a fiver. Brilliant. Great fun all day, a real sense of worth if you protest and get something changed or if you dont want to protest, its a trip to London shopping for a day for a fiver!
Get them from the Liverpool Students' Union NOW! Limited places available!
Call or email for more information, or how to get hold of your ticket.
This is a battle which we can win!!!