I'm a comrade from Italy, who is been studing at L'pool during the last autumn and winter, and who was involved in some anti-war and anti-globalisations activity, so whit Indy-L'pool I can be in touch with my second fatherland :-)
So, that message is also to say hello to all the comrades of L'pool, above all to Adam, Dazza, Big Mike and all the others of People not Profit.
see you soon guys (hopefully), hasta la victoria siempre
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Greetings to your good self my friend
24.07.2003 16:04
Hope all is well in Roma - and the movement is pounding
all the best
the continual rise of Liverpool indymedia
26.08.2003 07:40
Many indebted thanks and more praises for the people who are/had been involved in the creation of the site and for the maintainance of it as well. Without you, we wouldn't be seeing/reading it.
Its bloody fan-fukin-tastic that here where I currently am in Dhaka, I can pick the nearest email shop, type a few letters into the URL space, and voila, all the info.(thats available on-line anyhow) on Liverpool without having to go to a meeting for 3-4 hours, AND i get all the other readers comments too. ACE!
Anyway, the bit from me: Aid development is the new Neo-Colonialism. The Empire was replaced by Aid agreements, WTO contracts, IMF diktats, and general bully-boy tactics by the old colonial masters, and some newer ones too.
Can not wait to get 'back to bizness' when we return in the next few weeks.
love me and her (the red-head)
Shumon Farhad