The fascist BNP are holding a public meeting in Liverpool tomorrow, Wednesday 16th April at Anfield Community Comprehensive School ( see link below for map ). A protest has been organised at the school for 5.30 pm.
Present at the meeting will be their tinpot fuhrer Nick Griffin, and their Anfield candidate Joey Owens. Typical of the fascists, Owens is a convicted racist who mailed razorblades to local Jewish families, was jailed for carrying CS gas and knuckle dusters, and only escaped a life sentence for a gangland murder in 1998 because the key witness suddenly decided to no longer present evidence.
Demands for the meeting to be stopped are growing, but it's likely it will go ahead.
It's time to make the fascists aware that they're not welcome in our communities.
Get along to the protest at 5.30 pm and show the BNP what they can do with meetings and their fascist politics.
Map of school:,&addr2=Priory+Road&addr3=Liverpool&pc=L4++2SL&client=public&gride=336647&gridn=393463&scale=10000
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