This is an anniversary demo - for the last year, we have been outside H&K's gates every month.
Heckler & Koch is the world’s second-largest manufacturer of handguns, assault rifles, submachine guns and grenade launchers. Millions of H&K weapons are in use in over 90 countries worldwide. The Nottingham facility is responsible for international sales outside NATO and the United States.
Heckler & Koch guns have caused an estimated 1.5 million deaths worldwide. They are used by repressive regimes, warlords, child soldiers and gangsters. They have been used in Darfur, in Kenya, in Kosovo, in Iraq by the Blackwater mercenaries, and in South Ossetia, amongst other places.
The owners of Easter Park (H&K's landlords) are LV= (formerly Liverpool Victoria) and we are also calling for a boycott of them.
The Campaign to Shut Down Heckler and Koch was established by Nottingham residents who are incensed that a city notorious for gun crime should be hosts to a company selling guns.
Organised by Shut Down H&K.
More information:

A report of the protest one year ago can be seen at

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