Coal Caravan contact number is 07729 575582. Join Us!
We'll be talking to local people, organising bicycled power films and events, holding public discussions and displays, and linking groups from different areas to help strengthen isolated campaigns.
# 24 April – Co2al Caravan launch party, Sumac Centre Nottingham
# 25 April – set off to Shipley Glen
# 27/28 April – cycle to Yorkshire
# 29 April – Fairbairn Ings
# 30 April - 2 May – cycle to North East
# 3 May – Anti-opencast workshops
# 4 May (Bank Holiday Monday) – Grand Finale
We've got unique permission to show the Age of Stupid film in small communities affected by coal mining and the route is all pretty much sorted. We've even got our own newspaper to hand out to thousands along the route explaining why we're against the expansion of coal and what the alternative solutions are.
Coal Caravan / Age of Stupid poster:

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