State chiefs have already met during the Spring European Council, from the 18th to th 20th of March. To get out of the crisis they call to accelerate the "reforms" and to poursue the Lisbonne strategy. They reaffirm by that their willing to complete their offense of privatisation of education, in a european scale.
Since our last call, the european youth's struggles for education et their future have expanded: February and March saw countless demonstrations going on in Spain, France, Italy, Finland, Danmark....
It's time to converge all these struggles, unite all national mouvements in one european. Tha Louvain Counter Summit and the following mobilisations are a decisseful step to built this convergence.
On the same time, from the 20th to the 29th of April, the Global Week of Action ( is taking place, whiche's the Counter Summit is part. The GWA tries to make all struggles visible in an international perspective.
We are, so, inviting all general assemblies, mouvements, occupied facculties, associations, syndical and political organisations and every other person in the European Counter Summit in Leuven and Louvain-la-Neuve.
This is a call for the creation of local groups of technical organisation for their venue: Informations relating to transports put in place by associations and organisations can be considered by Vague Europeenne and displayed on the site (contact:

We are also asking the participants to work on their contributions to the different workshops they intend to participate, and to think of other workshops to propose(cf. program, contact:

Furthermore, we invite the participants to edit as soon as possible texts (maximum 4 pages) introducing us to the reforms relating to the Bologna Processus put in place in their country: Which modes of application, What kind of resistance?
We invite every organisation and person to sign our call in
Let's share our experiences and strategies, establish a net, let's give our revolts everywhere in Europe a much stronger breath.
The Counter Summit's first three days are most luckily going to take place in Brussels, where analysing and discussion workshops on education, will be given some time. The two last days are reserved for manifestation and actions, prepared during the counter summit.
Saturday, april 25th
9h30 - 12h30 : Bologna Process, reforms and national resistances.
14h - 18h00 : International Workshops.
18h : Commun feedback (Workshops).
Sunday, april 26th
From 9h30 : International Workshops.
18h : Commun feedback (Workshops).
Monday, april 27th
9h30 - 12h30 : Plastic and artistic Workshops and education's european perspectives.
14h00 - xxxx : Composition of Bologne alternative.
Tuesday, april 28th
10h : Demonstration in Leuven for the ministerial conférence's opening.
14h : Demonstration in Brussels, Gare du Nord, organised by the RESPACT plateform(
Wednesday, april 29th
10h -19h Workshops- Actions (flyer distribution- workshop presentation).
Furthermore, we are calling for the participation in the demonstration, uniting students, legal and illegal workers, organised by the student solidarity to the Belgian "no-papers" commities' federation, in Brussels on Friday, May 1st.
International Workshops.
These axes are an arbitrary division: They are, just to help place the counter- summit in time. We propose to mention their different perspectives in every workshop, if this is... we are inviting you to prepare these workshops ocally to start building the counter- summit. We are also inviting you to indicate to us these that you would ike to organise. The workshops are up to their participants initiative, develloped on the principal axes in perspective of a counter- declaration composition (Bologne Alternative). Other workshops can be freel created outside these axes. The publication of workshops'list on the website will be closed on the 20th of april, but every workshop could find its place during the counter- summit.
The Workshops already proposed and created are the following:
• Means of expression. • Kmowledge and proffessional qualities. • Evaluation (professors, students, research) • Knowledge's disciplines. • Equality infront of Knowledge • Gender in education. • Esperiences' Validation
• PhD condition and work division in university. • Research in teaching and learning. • Research budget and utility. • Universities' budget. • Democracy in Universities. Governance, Representation, Administration, Autogestion. • University Asile. • Passion and cognition vs knowledge ingenuosity. • Intellectual property. • Knowledge Transmission and inegalitary relationship teachers/ students.
• Administration and technical stuff, what role on education and research? • Critical Initiatives on university borders. • University area: librarys, accomodation, material. • University exchange. • New resistance forms / Specific repression in university world. • Media and social mobilisations. • Rationalisation des offres, masters' centralisation/ decentralisation. University fusion. • Research independance guarantees. • Privatisation (mecenas, consultants, private partners....) • Lobbies (CEO)