How the international financial crisis will affect the peoples of the world and the different ways to overcome it are the subjects of the international seminar "Crisis: Truths and Directions", which will be held in Curitiba, Paraná state, Brazil.
The event, proposed by Governor Roberto Requiao, already have the confirmation of speakers from several countries, such as economists, professors and administrators from Italy, England, Germany, China, Argentina, Venezuela, Mexico, Russia and the United States. Entries for participation at the event will be opened on Friday (November the 28th).
Governor Roberto Requiao thinks the seminar will be an opportunity to analyze the crisis from the perspective of people, the nation and to propose solutions.
"We want a debate not from the perspective of the market because the market heralds resolved now that they will make the solution for what themselves caused, with their bad conduction of economic policy ', supports the governor.
"We want a concrete and feasible suggestion for a permanent change, as the god market proved to be totally ineffective, creating a crisis of enormous proportions," he emphasized.
PARTICIPANTS - The organization of the workshop has already confirmed the participation of Gromyko Yury (member of the Russian Academy of Sciences and director of the Institute of Advanced Studies of the Academy), Andrei Kobyakov (economist and expert in finance from the State University of Moscow, editor-in-chief of newspaper "Russian Entrepreneur" and of the site and author of a book about the decline of the dollar), Mario LETTIERI (economist and former undersecretary of Economics and Finance at the Romano Prodi government (2006-08), responsible for the production of a motion for a "new Bretton Woods")
And yet: Paolo Raimondi (Italian economist and journalist, author of the initiative for a "new Bretton Woods" in the Italian Parliament), Michael Liebig (strategic affairs analyst and editor of the site Solon-line, Germany), Mario di Constanza (economist Mexico), Thomas Palley (Ph.D. in economics and collaborator of Economics for Democratic and Open Societies in Washington, USA), Zhu Andong, (PHD in economics and professor of the Department of Economics at Tsinghua University in Beijing, China) Magnus Ryner, (PHD in political science, professor of international relations at Oxford University in England), Jose Felix Rivas (director of the Central Bank of Venezuela), Aldo Ferrer (economist, director of Enarsa (Argentina Energy Company State) and ex - Minister of Economy of Argentina)
Requiao calls Mantega and governors to discuss alternatives to financial crisis
Governor Roberto Requiao invited the National Secretary of Finance, Guido Mantega, the president of BNDES (National Brazilian Bank to Economic and Social Development), Luciano Coutinho, and the governors of the 26 Brazilian states to attend the international seminar "Crisis: Truths and Directions", which will be held at Curitiba.
We are living the financial crisis of capitalism. The whole world is in trouble. The jobs are threatened and big business break.
Parana decided to make a big discussion about this world crisis and the possibility of leaving it behind, said Requiao during meeting at School of Government.
Mantega and Coutinho, according to Requiao, may participate in one of seven tables of discussion at the seminar. I hope that the national secretary's agenda allows him to participate, because it's extremely important. But the governors may participate in a debate on the issues raised at the tables in a summary of discussions that we will do at the close of the seminar.
The seminar that will be held in the auditorium of Parana's Educational TV, will be broadcasted live by public Paraná State's radio and TV and by the internet at

The tables will discuss the crisis under several approaches: crisis and financial system, world power, the role of Russia, China, India and U.S., South American integration, Brazil and national project.
PARTICIPATION - Requiao sent the invitation advice for economy councils and to the economics departments of Brazilian universities and colleges. They can participate directly in the plenary of the seminar tables of discussion or even by the Internet, by e-mail or by phone. "
It will be the biggest debate already held in the country on the economic crisis. I talk a lot about it with our national secretary Dilma (Rousseff, the Civil House). We have to hear what has to be said. We have to really dive in that process. The discussion has to be comprehensive because we need to find and learn about ways to address the crisis, said Requião.
GUESTS - Requiao confirmed the presence of brazilian economists, businessmen and journalists: Eugenio Staub (Chairman of Gradient), Rafael Almeida Magalhaes (former Secretary of Welfare), Eduardo Eugenio (president of FIRJAN (Federation of Industries of Rio de Janeiro), Luis Gonzaga Belluzo (professor at UNICAMP), Luis Nassif (journalist and economist), Marcio Henrique de Castro (adviser to the BNDES).
And yet: Franklin Serrano (professor at UFRJ), Carlos Medeiros (professor at UFRJ), Reinaldo Goncalves (professor at UFRJ), Marcio Pochmann (President of the IPEA), John Sicsú (Director of IPEA), Darc Costa (former vice president BNDES), Carlos Lessa (former president of BNDES), Cesar Benjamin (economist) and Ricardo Carneiro (professor at UNICAMP).
ALTERNATIVE - We have guests of opposing views. Some economists are heterodox, some other are orthodox, but all of them have much weight in economic and social thinking of Brazil and the world. The government of Parana will participate of that process and of that debate. And we want it to be the most complete and the deepest discussion on the economic crisis held in the country today, said Requiao.
In a clear and objective way, said Requiao, we have to know an alternative route for the world economy and not a palliative medicine, an aspirin to reduce the pain of the moment, continuing the whole disastrous process, of disastrous neocons' economy, consolidated mainly by the sadly famous Washington consensus.