situated in Heworth just outside York city centre is selling plenty of this disgusting dish foie gras and depsite letters from local councillors and opposition from local Animal Rights, the owner (whose details will remain off here for now) is very happy to support the sickening foie gras trade which the production of is illegal in the UK and just laugh direct in the face of people against foie gras.
Mair's Delicatessen
3, Heworth Village, York, North Yorkshire YO31 1AE
Tel: 01904 422906
Churchill hotel

You would have thought that they of all places would know better seeing as The Grange Hotel just across the road from them less than a year ago went through about 2month of demos becuase they decided to put foie gras on their menu ( this has since been removed) , but no they thought they'd try their luck anyway.
The Churchill Hotel
65 Bootham
YO30 7DQ
Tel 01904 644456
Fax 01904 663322

Sarah Coggles situated in York city centre ,despite going through mass demos just 2years ago and also telling the local press they have and will stay fur free have decided to start selling real fur.
When local groups confronted them this time round in October 2008, they removed it that day, however a week later put it back up for sale and have told local anti fur campaign groups to get lost and if the want to sell real fur they will regardless.

The rabbit coats can be seen here

BY POSTSarah Coggles
91-93 Low Petergate
Tel: 01904 611001