This case received worldwide attention (see www.percyschmeiser.com) as it exposed the vulnerability of farmers to bullying by Corporate Agribusiness if they get involved with GM crop production.
Schmeiser, a Canadian farmer, beat Monsanto in the courts. Monsanto sued him for having patented seed on his land which had blown in from a lorry! He's touring Britain to tell everyone his story, the dangers of GM, the implications for British farmers, on the following remaining dates:
What would GM crops mean for British farmers?
Driffield - Fri. 24th Oct, 7pm, The Bell pub.
Aberystwyth - Mon. 27th Oct
Dorchester - Tue. 28th Oct
London - Wed. 29th Oct, 2 venues.
See www.gmfreecymru.org (still online...) for more details.
Tonight in Driffield is the only public speaking engagement in the north in his UK tour (other venues, London University, Norwich, Lincoln (Riseholme College), and Aberystwyth (National agriculture research centre).