As regular readers will know, we printed the excellent Searchlight exposé about the location of the British National Party's Excalibur operation - the place from which it distributes its 'tatty, cringe-making and overpriced goods' - back in early September. We followed this article up with one of our own in mid-September, when we asked our readers to do their bit in the fight against the BNP - in this case by emailing to inform the owners of the premises in which Excalibur is based precisely what they are allowing to be stored in and distributed from their premises.
n that article, we listed a few of the more offensive items that we know are stocked and sold by Excalibur. The list is here:
* Deeply offensive 'Golly' Pens and badges
* Books by pro-eugenics author Roger Pearson, promoting an all-white society
* Books that make the unfounded claim that immigrants are responsible for TB and HIV
* The truly appalling, racist, anti-semitic and white supremacist March of the Titans by Arthur Kemp, who currently works at Excalibur
* The fake Victoria Cross which was so recently the subject of much controversy in several newspapers, and many more fake medals
* Badges with 'Enoch Powell was right', 'Say no to asylum' and 'No immigrants, no bombs' - presumably forgetting the IRA's visits of a few years back, the three bombs set off by the BNP's very own David Copeland in Soho and Mark Bulman, a BNP activist who set fire to a mosque, to say nothing of the various members of the BNP (including Robert Cottage) who stockpiled bomb-making equipment but got caught before they made use of it, and Tony Lecomber, who blew himself up accidentally while on his way to bomb the offices of a rival political party. Lecomber worked for the BNP for a further ten years after this, finally getting the sack after attempting to recruit another ex-BNP member, gangland hitman Joe Owens, to assassinate a leading politician.
* T-shirts glorifying Enoch Powell, with slogans such as 'It's cool to be white' and 'BNP - It's a white thing'.
Time to step up the action a tad...
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