I Bike MCR is a grassroots voluntary group where everyone gives their time and skills for free. We organise events that aim to promote cycling and to build a strong supportive cycling commiunity in MCR. We do this in our own spare time because we believe that giving our time to make a change will be worth it.
It will be a free festival in order to make it accessible to everyone no matter their economic situation. We will, however, ask for donations to go to helping the I Bike MCR cycle campaign, you can give money or time please look here for info:

Every week-day morning we will be having a group ride from Owen's Park in Fallowfield down Oxford Road to the Universities so that students can meet each other and gain confidence by cycling in together as a group.
Meet in the carpark area of Owens Park (map)
8.15am, we'll leave at 8.30am PROMPT to get into uni at 8.45am
We hope this will continue after the week festival is over.
Monday 6th October
7.30pm Council Chambers Manchester University
Bicycle Film Night
Tuesday 7th October
Meet 6pm Outside Manchester University refectory
A bicycle tour around our city, taking you to the nicest parks, the best bike shops, cool places to hang out, the best cycle routes, nice landmarks and nice pubs.
Wednesday 8th October
2pm - 5pm Email

FREE Bicycle Confidence lessons. Book asap to reserve a place.
No matter whether you need some tips on how to deal with a particular junction or how to ride one handed you can benefit from a bike confidence class with a qualified cycling instructor.
7pm Basketball courts in Platt Fields Park
The Spokes Bicycle Dance Troupe,
The all woman Spokes bike dance troupe have an open practice to encourage more bike loving women to get involved and join them in dancing with their bikes to encourage more women and girls to cycle.
Thursday 9th October
6pm Whitworth Park, Denmark Road
Bicycle Polo Practice. We will teach newcomers how to play this exhilarating and fun sport.
Friday 10th October
Register at 6pm, Ride at 7pm...
Meet in the carpark behind the Sandbar, Grosvenor Street (map)
I Bike MCR Superheroes Treasurecat.
No matter what bike you're on or how well you know the city you can take part (and have a chance to win!) in this treasure hunt on bicycles.
* Dress as a superhero for more points..go all out!
* Ride as a dynamic duo, both people must be present at each checkpoint but only one needs to do the task (if you can't find a partner beforehand, don't worry you're sure to find one on the night)
* With a final sprint to see which out of your pair is the superhero and which is the sidekick
* If the phone rings answer it. You may get a secret mission to win more points, then choose if you want to go for fastest time or most points
* Prizes for a wide variety of things NOT JUST FASTEST. inc.Team back at any time with the most points, Winner of the final sprint, Best costume and loads more...So it's open for anyone to win a prize no matter how little you know the city or how fast you can ride
Amazing prizes from:
Seagull Bags
HK Fixed
Edinburgh Bicycle Co-operative
Bicycle Boutique
Saturday 11th October
Noon at Piccadilly train station
or 1.30pm at Delamere Forest Information Centre
Mountain biking in Delamere Forest
(you can hire mountain bikes there)
8pm The Sandbar Grosvenor Street (map)
Moonlight Ride: a 3 hour circular ride into the night with a pub stop.
Sunday 12th October
Noon Meet Sainsbury's Carpark, off Wilmslow Road, Fallowfield
A ride along one of Manchester's nicest off road cycle routes, the Fallowfield Loop, where we will stop off to help create a mural depicting the celebration of the bicycle. Everyone welcome to get involved making the Fallowfield Loop brighter and fun. Bring brushes, tatty clothes, paints and lots of enthusiasm (don't worry if you not that artistic we'll find some way for you to help!)