"Many alternative people across the globe have reported being attacked by thugs simply for the way they dress. This is more common than we all think. Adults are glassed in the streets, punched, kicked or generally have verbal abuse thrown at them when they've done nothing to provoke it. Not just that, many young people, still in their school years are being viciously beaten by their fellow pupils for looking 'different'.
"This cannot be allowed to continue and we cannot allow any more people to die because of societies moronic views of alternative people. We're the good guys for crying out loud! We need to put an end to Alterophobia now!"
Today's march was well attended and good humoured. The rally started at Devonshire Green and proceeded through town to Sheffield Cathedral for a reception before returning to Devonshire Green via the Peace Gardens.
Speakers at today's march vowed to organise more demonstrations across the UK in the near future in memory of Sophie Lancaster and other victims of hate crime.
S.O.P.H.I.E. - Stamp Out Prejuduce Hatred + Intolerance Everywhere