James Elsdon-Baker Regional NO2ID coordinator for Yorkshire said “The Identity and Passport Service are trying to sub-contract out the collection of our biometric identities for use in the National Identity Card Databases3. Already we have seen one contract for £18 Million awarded to French defense contractor Thales4. Countless data loses have taught us it only takes one mistake by one individual within an organization to violate the privacy of millions of people. The only true security measure the Home Office could adopt would be to heed the advice of security experts and abandon their fantasy of building a database state, and issuing us all with ID cards.
The Government has responded by launching an investigation into this most recent of data loses.


3 Source


For more information or interview, please contact James Elsdon-Baker Yorkshire NO2ID coordinator on 07817605162 or via e-mail at

NO2ID is the UK-wide, non-partisan campaign opposing the government's planned ID card and National Identity Register. We bring together individuals and organizations from all sections of the community and
seek to ensure that the case against ID cards and the database state is forcefully put forward in the media, in the corridors of power and at
grassroots level. We continue to actively campaign on all fronts for the abolition of the ID scheme and repeal of the Identity Cards Act 2006.