29th AUGUST 2008
MEET 11am @ Bradford Council, Jacob's Well, Bradford, BD1 5RW
(Please note that the demo is not at the Bradford Town Hall, but at the council offices opposite)
Earlier this week documents were published which revealed corruption and favouritism (

The campaign is on the edge of success, so come along to the demo and help save Ilkley Moor from those wanting to ruin it for their entertainment.
:: Animal Abuse ::
Hundreds of thousands of birds are shot out of the sky every year, many of which are still alive when they hit the floor, all for the entertainment of those paying to take part in this 'pastime'. Traps and snares are placed around grouse moors to catch any preditor species which may kill birds; when animals get caught in these they often gnaw off their own limbs to escape or otherwise stay trapped until they die of starvation or a gamekeeper kills them.
The corpses of dead animals are often left to decay on fence posts and gates so as to scare off other species because of the 'smell of death'.
:: Environmental Destruction ::
Spent shot-gun cartridges can often be found littering the floor around grouse butts and moors, which then rust away and the lead gets absorbed into the ground causing posioning to plants, animals and the environment.
Furthermore, the moorland is intentionally set alight by gamekeepers so as to continue a constant cycle of heather for the grouse to eat and boost the already artificial populations. According to a recent Animal Aid report, the destruction caused by burning the moors is equivalent to setting the whole Amazon Rainforest alight every year. When the burning happens, gasses are released from the peat bogs found under grouse moors which causes detremental effects to the environment and adds to global warming.
:: Corruption ::
Recent documents published by West Yorkshire Hunt Sabs revealled the true nature of corruption and favouritism involved in the grouse shooting decision. If this is happening on one subject where big money is involved, what about the other local issues we are not aware of?