"When Kingston Communications isn’t busy running corporate and business monopolies it seems to enjoy providing services for Bantin & Kingman Universal. A scummy breeder that supplies animals including dogs, mice, rats, and primates to hell holes like Huntingdon Life Sciences and Covance.
If you profit from contracts that involve blood money we are forced to take the profit motive out of the equation. This time it was just paint and permanent markers on your lovely cream coloured phone boxes KC, next time we’ll smash and torch them.
This is a warning to anyone who deals with B&K, HLS or Covance! Cut your contracts or we’ll cut them for you.
reported by activists in Germany (rough translation):

"On Easter Sunday 2008, we prepared a very special Easter treat in Wunsiedel, where (along with the cities of Amerdingen and Feldkirchen) one of the three major hunting schools of the Bayerischen Jagdverbandes (Bavarian Hunting Association) is located; where prospective animal murderers learn their bloody craft and also are brainwashed with the related ethical and ecological lies. Not only in the woods and fields is our anger over the cowardly murder of innocent individuals felt, but now during training! We threw bags of red paint at the entrance to the "training center" and also punctured six tires on two cars parked at the hunting school. We will no longer stand idly by while animals are mutilated, tortured and murdered in cold blood; in this war we will stand on the side of the helpless and persecuted. Against the mass terror of the hunters!
The avenging angels of the Animal Liberation Front "
reported by activists in Germany:

"During the night of March 2, 2008, two large billboards for an angling fair were made unreadable with spray-paint-- anglers are murderers.
In the early morning of Saturday, March 8 the leather shop Melissa in Heuwinkel was heavily sprayed with butyric acid."
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