1. News in the North West
Help ! Mohammed from Bolton - deported to Afghanistan next Tuesday 25th March
Mohammed Isahq Ibrahimi, who has lived in Bolton for 6 years, is being held in Harmmondsworth Immigration Removal Centre and is due to be forcibly deported to Kabul on Tuesday - how you can help ;

Hraz from Manchester to be deported to Iraq
"ŠIt was his terror of deportation that made Hraz run for all he was worth from the police raid on the restaurant two weeks ago. But the moment he has been living in fear of was waiting for him at the Dallas Court reporting centre in Manchester last Friday. He went to his monthly appointment and was taken into detention. He was transferred the same day to the holding facility at Manchester airport, from where he has been told he will be deported to Iraq in the coming days."
Full article ;

Campaign against Royal Jordanian Airlines deporting Iraqi Kurdish asylum seekers ;

Good News ! Evelyne & Adou back in Newcastle
Evelyne & Adou Nana were 'snatched' from their Newcastle upon Tyne home, taken to Yarl's Wood Immigration Removal Centre and given "removal directions" for 28th February 2008 to Cameroon. Thanks to everyone who sent faxes on the family's behalf. The removal was stopped but Evelyne & Adou were being held in Yarl's Wood. They have now been released but are still facing deportation. How you can help :

Good News ! Removal of the Saddiq family from Leeds Cancelled
"A judicial review was lodged, and we heard that the ltest removal has been cancelled. Saleem and Saima's solicitor will be applying for bail, and hopefully the family will be released and will return to Leeds in the very near future. Saleem and Saima are of course very relieved and would like to thank everyone who helped them and sent letters of support. Of course this doesn't mean the campaign to overturn the appeal judge's decision is over. If the judicial review goes against them they will have to go through the same ordeal again. Please continue to support them." Check here for latest news:

Further info :

Watch the Saddiq Family Must Stay campaign video on YouTube :

"Battle to let family remain in Leeds" by By Peter Lazenby, Yorkshire Evening Post ;

Good News ! Annociate back in Sheffield
"I have just confirmed with Yarl's Wood that Annociate has been granted Temporary Admission out of Yarl's Wood to a supporter's address in Sheffield. Also she now has a solicitor in Sheffield. We will have a campaign meeting very soon to decide how to proceed. There are now several people wanting to get involved in the campaign". Annociate Nimpagaritse from Sheffield was deported to Burundi on 5th March but refused entry into Burundi by the authorities there. Annociate was brought back to the UK and was being held at Yarl's Wood Immigration Removal Centre again. Please continue to campaign for Annociate to be granted status in the UK. Contact : Graham Wroe on

Easter Message from Florence & Michael (who Shall be staying) in Manchester
Florence, an active member of Women Asylum Seekers Together (WAST), won her campaign a few weeks ago but has been busy sorting accommodation for her and her young son out (they were given 28 days to get out of the NASS house). "I thank you ALL for your kindness, I really appreciate your helpful giving ways and your generous heart. I'll always think of you all with a glad and grateful heart, you are all very special to me. Thanks for doing what you did, your help and caring calmed me down. Your continual acts and kindness bright each day of what you did for us, and it will glow in our memory every time we think about it. I appreciate your kindness more than words can say. You care about people and it shows. I'm glad someone like you could help me to get through it. I will remember your kindness to me, it really meant a lot words don't seem sufficient. Thank you for the time you spent Preparing all the letters to the MP and immigration minister, E-mails, the meetings, personal letter, signing of petitions and ALL your donations. You are really special in all you say and do. You've made a difference in our lives. Wow, thank you for the lovely gift. This is just to let you know how special your gift made me feel. I will not soon forget. Happy Easter to you ALL. May the star of the world Shower his blessings upon you. Love florence & micheal".
Do you want advice about setting up an anti-deportation campaign ?
Come and meet NCADC at one of the many NCADC workshops around the North West, aimed at people facing deportation who are interested in setting up a public anti-deportation campaign, and those who are interested in supporting campaigns. There will be a chance to discuss benefits of starting a campaign, what it takes to set up and run a campaign, and any concerns you have about putting yourself and your campaign group into the public eye. It will be an informal environment and you will be able to chat with NCADC, some people who have run their own anti-deportation campaigns, and others who are interested in setting up campaigns._
Contact : Emma at NCADC on

Liverpool with Asylum Link - Thursday 27th March - 1pm to 3.00pm
Asylum Link Merseyside, Saint Anne's Centre, 7 Overbury Street, Liverpool, L7 3HJ
Leeds with Leeds No Borders and others - Thursday 27th March - 7pm
The Common Place, 23-25 Wharf Street, LS2 7EQ
Manchester with WAST (Women Asylum Seekers Together) - Friday 28th March - 11am to 1 pm
Women's Electronic Village Hall, ADA House, 77 Thompson Street, Manchester M4 5F.
Manchester with the Greater Manchester Immigration Aid Unit - Friday 28th March - 2pm to 4pm
GMIAU, 1 Delaunays Road, Manchester, M8 4QS.