28th of February, 6:00 – 8:00 P.M.
Rupert Becket Lecture Theatre. Michael Sadler Building. University of Leeds
How to get here:

Drinks and nibbles

Leeds has enjoyed major economic success in recent years, becoming the fastest growing city in England and number one financial centre after London. Its universities attract thousands of students and retail is booming. All this is reflected in the changing face of the city centre. But is the price of success now too high? The well loved Corn Exchange shops are all but gone; Kirkgate Market traders await an uncertain fate; skyscrapers and over-priced flats are set to dominate the skyline with little consultation while affordable council housing is demolished;
So we ask: Is Leeds going in the right direction? What does the general public think? Are there any alternatives?
This event will discuss the positive and negative things that are happening to Leeds as well as proposals for change. Leeds City Council has a major role to play but it is not alone – the public must have a big say in the future of the city.
Come to this Public Event where your views will be heard, debated and recorded in a public report.
Organised by academics at the University of Leeds and Leeds Metropolitan University
Chaired by Andrew Edwards from BBC Radio Leeds ‘Andrew and Georgey’s Breakfast Show’
For more information contact