Thu, 16 Aug 2007 13:37:19
Nothing has been done to protect the safety of detainees at HMP Frankland who are facing real risk of death by threats from other prisoners.
On 10th July 2007, solicitors to Omar Khyam, a detainee at HMP Frankland in north of UK requested a removal into segregation after their first efforts to have him transferred to a safer prison failed.
He had been threatened to death and burning by his fellow inmates and the prison governor was informed of these threats.
According to the human rights group Cage Prisoners, three days after Omar was transferred to segregation, Esa Barot, another Muslim prisoner, had boiling water and oil poured over his body resulting in 2nd and 3rd degree burns. He lost sight of one eye as a result.
Urgent Alert: Detainee Facing Serious Risk of Death

Detainees at HMP Frankland are facing the very real risk of death after numerous threats from other prisoners. Despite the prison governor having been informed of these threats, nothing has been done to safeguard the security of these detainees.
On 10th July 2007 Omar Khyam, a detainee at HMP Frankland voluntarily requested he be moved into segregation after efforts by his solicitors to have him transferred to a safer prison failed. The request followed threats of murder and burning by fellow inmates.
Three days after Omar’s move to segregation, Esa Barot, another Muslim prisoner, had boiling water and oil poured over his body resulting in 2nd and 3rd degree burns over his body. The attacks also resulted in Barot losing sight in one eye. Had Omar not been moved into segregation, he may well have been victim to that attack.
Despite the innumerable requests to have Omar moved, the prison administration refuses to accept that HMP Frankland is an unsafe place for Muslim detainees. According to a letter dated 19th July 2007 in which they stated,
“Frankland is a safe and secure environment as well as being an appropriate location for your client.” They also said “Whilst the incident in relation to Mr Barot is certainly most regrettable, this is not in itself evidence that Frankland is an unsuitable location for your client.”
On 23rd July 2007 however, the cell of Hussein Osman was burnt down with all his belongings on the inside.
Omar Khyam has been kept in segregation for his own safety, however such a situation is unacceptable for his safety in long term detention. In segregation the prisoners are not given any access to clothes, books, any reading material, his television or newspapers, he has been denied any privileges and treated as if he is in segregation due to punishment.
A transfer to a more secure prison must take place for the safety of not only Omar, but all Muslim detainees there. The Governor at HMP Frankland must take note of the very real threat and danger posed to Muslim detainees in his prison, especially in light of incidents which have already taken place.
Write to the Governor of HMP Frankland urging for Omar Khyam and other Muslim inmates to be urgently transferred to a more secure prison.
Please send your letters immediately to:
The Governor
HMP Frankland,
The following sample letter can be used as a template:
Dear Mr. Mullen,
I am writing to you regarding my concerns that Omar Khyam has received death threats at HMP Frankland. I understand that following these threats and his voluntary retreat into the segregation unit Dhiren Barot was severely scalded and Hussein Osman’s cell was burnt. Threats have made against Omar and were it not for his voluntary move to segregation, he could well have been a victim of these attacks. This letter is being written to urge you to reconsider his transfer in light of the situation at HMP Frankland.
As the governor of a high security prison you are well aware of the psychological effects of solitary confinement. It is surprising to hear that Omar has had to endure the loss of privileges that accompanies being in segregation, despite the fact that he went in there voluntarily, and not because he was being reprimanded.
Omar Khyam cannot remain on the segregation wing indefinitely. Our prisons do not yet have the same safety measures in place to protect Muslim inmates as are taken to protect paedophiles i.e. a separate wing. I refer you to an article on the BBC news site which describes prisoners who were involved in a minor attack were moved within days: “Prisoners have been moved from a jail following two separate incidents in which inmates were attacked. Two prisoners were assaulted with a "sharp implement" at Wellingborough Prison, in Northamptonshire, on Wednesday and Friday. The Home Office said a number of prisoners had been transferred to other establishments "in order to maintain order and security". In both incidents, those attacked suffered minor injuries.”

I urge you to write to the Home Secretary and put in an application for the immediate transfer of Omar Khyam to a prison with a higher Muslim population for his safety. Would you please make this a priority as we are very much concerned of the safety of Omar Khyam and other inmates in a similar situation.
I look forward to your reply.
Yours Sincerely,