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Friday 30th March
Critical Mass bike ride, meet at 6pm Central Library to celebrate the bicycle over car culture.
Exhibition Opening at 8pm The Basement, 24 Lever St. Premier screening of the film "I bike Manchester" about cycling in Manchester, also showing bike films from round the world. Plus local acoustic bands Cooper Jones and Dr Butlers Hatstand Medicine Band. See Artists for more info about the art... With Roller Race!
Roller Race
Come and place your qualifying time between 8pm and 9pm. (you can come to the basement from 6pm to practise/ set your time and have a few goes but after 8pm your time for 1 go sticks)
The final heats will be amazing short races after you've set your qualifying times.
"It’s a drama – the gritting of teeth and twisting of faces, as riders give everything in those 20-something seconds of each race. Only opera could portray the intensity and drama."
(Therese Bjorn,
Saturday 31st March
Bicycle Polo class 1pm Platt Fields Park. Oxford bicycle polo team are coming to teach us how to play the sport. Please email to reserve a place. (they return 2 weeks later to play a match: Manchester vs Oxford)
Sunday 1st April
April Fools Day Bicycle Treasure Hunt 2pm Central Library . A fun treasure hunt around our city.
Bicycle Bee After the treasure hunt come to The Basement, 24 Lever St for a Bicycle Bee 2.30pm til 5pm. is a skill share with bicycle related workshops such as bicycle mechanics, bike anatomy 101, road safety tips, bicycle decorating etc. this event is what YOU make it so please get in touch asap with things that you'd like to share. It can be anything: seat cover making, puncture repair, wheel decorating, zine making, replacing a bottom bracket etc etc know you got some skill to share!
Wednesday 4th April
Moonlight Pub Ride Start 7pm Sandbar, Grosvenor St (off Oxford Road/opp. All Saints Park. A night ride out and around the outskirts of Manchester stopping off at some lovely pubs for a drink on the way.
Wednesday 11th April
Women's/ Girl's Only Ride meet 7pm at The Basement for a nice social ride on mostly off road routes ending with a beer in a pub!
Saturday 7th April
Yo Fixie 2007 3pm The Sandbar, Grosvenor St. An event for all you fixies. With comps inc: Track Stand, Track Skid, Devil takes the Hindmost, Sprint.
Friday 13th April
Hell Of The North West Alleycat 6pm The Basement, 24 Lever St
Fixies and roadragers ride the alleycat for a fast race round our city. £5 entry, amazing prizes to be won. with some donated by the wonderous Twin Six and Keirin Culture
Email to register
Alleykitten 6pm The Basement, 24 Lever St
Shoppers, bmx's and silly bikes ride alleykitten for a random race full of games and nonsense round our city centre. £5 entry, amazing prizes to be won.
Email to register
Saturday 14th April
Bicycle Polo Match: Manchester vs Oxford. 1pm Platt Fields Park
Wednesday 18th April
Bicycle Film Night 7pm The Basement, 24 Lever St, Manchester. Featuring
the second showing of the new I bike MCR film and The Neistat Brothers "The Holland Tunnel" and "Bike Theif", Joshua Frankel's "Bicycle Messengers", Peter Sutherland's "Pedal" and more.


