Which seems a rather strange decision bearing in mind that he came within 148 votes of winning the seat for the BNP.
Rumour has it he has been seen in one too many pubs in the Cleckheaton area for the liking of Ginger Cass.
In particular his favourite appears to be the The Obediah Brooke in the town.
Horsfield performs I have been told a certain party trick when he has partaken in a little too much of the amber nectar.He eats live frogs!!
It was believed the frogs final words were "Get this Fascist arsehole away from me"
However it can not have been much of a surprise about his drinking habits as it is a well known fact that he likes the odd tipple.
For those who don't know,Horsfield has stood as a candidate for a variety of political parties including the now defunct SDP.
On one occasion Horsfield stood as an independent and at the election count he was seen by all those who attended to slowly slide down a wall he was leaning on.Fortunately for the electorate he was a reject then just as he was in 2006 for the BNP.
However,Horsfield has been replaced by an equally odd character Alan Girvan.
You can read more about short arse Girvan at a later date.