were involved in shipping beagles through Manchester Airport for B&K
Universal. This just shows how effective out campaign against the breeder is
getting, they have now lost 6 animal transporters because of pressure!
and we have documents proving they transport beagles through Manchester
Airport for B&K. Please contact Impex and voice your disgust.
"Dear Sir / Madam, Impex Trading Company,
I was disgusted to find out that your firm has been involved in shipments of
dogs transported for B&K Universal
B&K breed animals for use in cruel and barbaric experiments. Beagles inside
B&K are used as nothing more than breeding machines, constantly giving birth
to litter after litter of pups. Dogs from the breeders have been gassed to
death in cruel experiments, to test a compound banner for over 15 years in
many countries.
Animal research is unethical and unscientific - many doctors and scientists
are opposed to it purely on the basis that it doesn't work. Results from one
species cannot be applied to another due to large anatomical and
physiological differences.
I hope you cut ties with B&K,"
Impex Trading Company,
Unit 1, Peartree Business Centre,
Bretton, Peterborough,
Tel: 0845 602 1662
Mob: 07836 739 096
Fax: 0845 602 1663

Eric Morgan (MD)

Russell P. Morgan (Director)

All email addresses:

DISCLAIMER: NARN do not encourage any illegal activities against firms
listed, and we only encourage polite contact and peaceful demonstrations.
Nothing in this alert, or any NARN publications, is intended to incite people
to break the law
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