almost upon us...
All we need now is lots of smiley, happy people to help out on the day.
The plan is to take over a section of Briggate with FREE STREET... Don't buy
one, get one free!
Who we need:
People to hand out flyers and genrally convince Joe/Josaphine Public that
buying so much stuff is dumb.
people to look after the stalls. we have:
free food
free coffee
free clothes
free books
free music
free play... doing creative, barbie-less fun with kids (young and not so
& free speech... for this we need people willing to stand on a soapbox and
rant about anything and everything!
Please also bring any GOOD QUALITY things that might fit into the above
categories that you don't need any more to the common place.
theres also loads of preparation to do, such as making lots of tasty vegan
burgers, and coffee, and setting up/taking down the stalls. The more
fool-hardy of us will be at the Common Place at 8:30 in the morning.
So if you can spare the time (be it 10 minutes, or the whole day) Come along
to the Common Place before 11, or find us on Briggate until about 2.
See you on Saturday!