and begun stocking real fur again; including fox, coyote and rabbit.
and begun stocking real fur again; including fox, coyote and rabbit.
They are well aware about the suffering involved, but do not care and
continue putting profits over morals. Please take action against
Flannels today and contact them.
Sign the boycott pledge >>>

Boycott Flannels site >>>

"Dear Sir / Madam, the Flannels Group,
I am disgusted that you are once again stocking real fur. The fur
trade is cruel, barbaric and unnecissary. Animals are skinned alive,
gassed and electrocuted, all so their pelts can be put on clothes.
I will not be shopping at Flannels again until all fur is removed and
your policy updated, and not flouted.
Yours Sincerely,"
The Flannels Group,
Head Office, Unit 6 Waterside,
Wharfside, Trafford Park,
Manchester, M17 1WD
Tel: 0161 931 2550
Fax: 0161 931 2559

Neil Howard Prosser (Managing Director)

Asif Afzal issued the policy in 2005:

Leeds Manager:

Manchester Manager:

Store Manager:
