• to uncover and publicise the networks of decision-making power which exist in Leeds and its region and the policies and interests that underpin them;
• to map out the recent past and present of privatisation and regeneration processes;
• and to expose how governance and corporate finance structures work in the city.
It was a really successful event, attended by over 50 people including councillors, officers, researchers, community campaigners and trade union activists. The discussion revealed a high level of dissatisfaction with local political institutions and agendas, and a genuine desire to reclaim the running of Leeds for the people who live here, away from the invisible networks of power designing and driving forth regeneration and city development.
A second meeting has now been organised for MONDAY 10TH JULY 5.30 - 8PM at the School of Geography, University of Leeds.
It will once again be an informal brainstorming session geared towards implementing ideas - and there will be after work nibbles!
For directions see:

A few points to note:
* if you didn't come last time, you are more than welcome to come this time
* if you can't make it to the whole session, come for what you can
* if you can't come at this time and date but want to get involved and have specific ideas please let us know
* please send us agenda points for discussion and work plans
We have some aims for the session:
* we now want to focus on active work plans
* we really want people to claim ownership over this project and take on organising it collaboratively.
* we want to refine the questions and areas people want to address and work on - we realise that our intial question is just a start - and people have lots of other ideas - who owns leeds, how can we run leeds
* as a priority we want to get the website up and running and need help/ideas
* we would also like to focus on getting together information in certain areas such as privatisation activity, large regeneration projects, and a database of the movers and shakers.