The Gov't is pressing on with its plans to force 1 million disabled people back to work, with the threat of losing 30 pounds off your benefit if the claimant does not comply, along with putting work advisors in G.P's surgeries and the possibility of forced medical treatment. Many disabled peole see all this as a step too far and a framework for a national network against these reforms is at last in motion, with a variety of actions, lobbying and other responses planned.
Here in Sheffield, Sheffield Welfare Action Network, which has bben actively challenging thse reforms and the present welfare system is having a meeting to discuss how to respond, etc. With much to discuss on the planned reforms and our campaigning around it there is a SWAN meeting on Saturday 11th March from 1pm to 4pm at Sharrow Community Hall. Apologies if this date is not convenient.
Sharrow Community Hall is on John St, just at the end of the Sheffield United Football Ground on Bramall Lane.
For a map follow this link:

If you are using public transport: from the Sheffield Interchange, services 47 and 48 will take you to Shoreham Street. From Arundel Gate (outside Apollo Travel) service number 13 will take you to Bramall Lane. Otherwise it is about 15 minutes from the town centre. The venue is fully accessible.
