Defend benefits for asylum seekers
Dear campaigner,
Here's a simple action you can take to support our campaign against destitution right now:

This poll is currently running strongly against allowing any benefits for failed asylum seekers please make your voice heard and act today.
Today the Refugee Council has issued a report giving our concerns about the operation of section 9 of the 2004 Act which has been piloted in three areas with the effect of sending most of the families affected into hiding and making them destitute.
The issues have been covered on most major broadcasting outlets and in the Guardian, Mirror and Mail today as well as regional media in Yorkshire.
Read our press statement:

You can download our report on our website now:

Thanks for your continued support - more actions follow this spring to help asylum seekers facing destitution.
Bob Deffee
Campaigns and Public Affairs Manager
Refugee Council
Join our campaign:
Asylum is a human right
The Refugee Council gives practical help and promotes refugees' rights at home and abroad.
Charity No. 1014576, Company No. 2727514
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