It is understood that the local authority has received a lucrative offer for the building to be turned into a beer museum, managed by the local brewery, which has allegedly been making donations to the council of late. It is thought that this is why the town hall are unwilling to allow INCA to complete their five-year lease and wants them out as soon as possible.
The INCA centre has been a focal point for alternative culture in Romania since it was set up three years ago. It has hosted gigs, exhibitions, meetings and other events, many with an international focus. If it is allowed to disappear, much of the life may well go out of the small activist and alternative movements of Romania, which already face numerous challenges.
Action in support of INCA and in opposition to the eviction is needed as soon as possible. Please post your opposition to the closing of this valuable centre at the guestbook of Timisoara town hall:

Please see the English version of the Romania indymedia site for more details of this struggle:

PLEASE send your comments to the town hall before tuesday, 13th december IF YOU CAN, as this is the day decisions will be made as to the future of INCA. If you can't, please act as soon as you can. If you are interested in becoming further involved with support actions for INCA in the UK, please contact me.